after some talk
hey everyone after reading all your nice stuff you said to me and talking to some people. i have decided not to let that one person get to me and stay on here. so watch out.... i am in a better mood and finally got rid of the migrane......hope you guys have a great week. i am going job hunting.......You guys will believe this i have a date friday nite with a younger man.......and i got guys asking me i am excited cuz i was the girl no guys asked out i was just the friend type....... i am very excited.......thank you all for being there for me......i will be there for all of you guys.............lynda
wow that is awsome I bet you are so happy it feels good when people notices you. I get that alot myself but I love my husband to much so I will tell them I'm married,lol I hope you have a great time i'm glad you are staying on the board we need all the support we can get. yuk snow showers,lol it was sunny here in the 50s were suppose to get near 70 wednesday I cant wait so I can wear shorts. take care if you ever need to talk feel free to email me.
hugs Laurie

Hi Lynda!
I am so glad that you are staying, Girlfriend!
You know that you are so well-loved here and to lose you would have been a tremendous blow to us all! Have fun on your date, Sweetie! You know what they say about younger men: You can break 'em in the way you want 'em!
Love ya and I'm glad you are back!
Happy Easter!