Good bye
I would like to thank all of you for your support and being there. in a way i considered all of you guys as part of my very extended family. i also would like to say i am sorry things got out of hand with someone on here not mentioning names. i am not sorry for my sister posting and sticking up for me. see since all this has happen i have had a migrane for 3 days and sick to my stomach. and i hate to say this that it has made me depress cuz of it all. i know i shouldnt let it bother me but it does. you all know that i have a heart of gold and would do anything for anyone. i do worry about what people do say and think. maybe to much for my own good.
i have decided this is a support page for everyone and i am sorry that my one post started something really bad. i have notice that that post and my sisters post are no longer on here. this person who shall remain unnameless turned me in to this site and saying i was threatening her. well i dont remember threatening her. all i said dont mention my name or my drs name again. since she did slander us both in a post. so if that is threat sorry.
I want you all to have great weight loss...if you guys do go to adventureland this summer please someone let me know cuz i would love to meet everyone. I think for the most part everyone on here is great and we have supported each other. but when all you can do is cry all the time (like now) it is time to leave.
I do thank all of you for your support when i was in the hospital that meant so much to me and that people do care even if they dont know you personally. if this person thinks i am doing this to get attention or for all you guys to feel bad for me. sorry it is farthest from the truth. like me you guys come here for support and you dont need the headache. so i will say good bye. i will post on my profile if they allow me to. i do check the recipes. so if you guys have any good recipes email me. if any of you like to talk on the phone email me your number i have unlimited long distance anywhere.
THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well.. isnt that sad.. i think its crap that lynda cant do things on here . she cant get her recipies or do anything but post on the site.. and she has used this site for a long time.. and because of one person her privalages are gone.. and that the post are gone did someone ask for them to be removed? why is that so a dr wouldnt be able to see them? So people can say what they want and not be accountable for thier words.. its sad.. isnt it? I mean .. if someone is worried about threats well then i guess threatenting me with lawyers should make me all freaked to huh? I really hope she has acomplished her personal goals .. beacause some people just dont realize that their actions or words hurt.. and may send people in to depression.. which causes them to eat which goes backwards in the process of this surgury.. So i guess people who live in glass houses shouldnt throw rocks .. because they might bounce off a tree and hit ya house..
I feel very sad for lynda because she considers alot of u to be like family . when she was in the hospital i talked to a few of u on the phone.. even then u all helped me cope with the ordeal she was going thru. FOr that i thank you .. to see the support u gave her .. and to see her face lite up when i printed them off and handed them to her in the hosptial ..For that i thank all of u that were there..
As for the situation at hand .. i would be more then happy to give u my phone number u wanna whine and cry .. and get peoples post takin down.. well if u feel that strongly .. then call me .. lets talk ..
But its sad that the people feel that they have to leave because of certain people .. apparantly some people need support more then others.
Hey Lynda,
I don't post much but I read several times a day and I hope you don't leave this messageboard. I don't know what the deal was or is with the other person and frankly I don't care but I have read many many of your posts and I think you are a wonderful person and heck I've never even met you but I just know you are the type of person who I would really like to have as a good friend, even if only by this board. You can tell alot about a person just how they talk or in this case write and I think you are a very caring and easy going woman with a great sense of humor. Don't let what other people say get to ya, it's only stupidy on their part. You are so above all the negative attitude, Just think about what was said then tell yourself yeah right, I am so much better than that crap. Get pissed off then take a deep breath and let it go with the wind. I hope you stay, I really enjoy your posts and would really miss that charm of yours. Take care of you.~~~Tina
I haven't been on this board for very long so I don't really understand what's going on here. But Lynda, don't leave because someone is on your case! Everyone is entitled to their own opinion but some also think they need to voice it no matter what. You don't seem to be that kind of person. Everything I've seen from you has been kind, helpful and supportive. The best thing is to just ignore the source of the irritation. Don't read any posts by that person. And don't let them make you feel bad about yourself. This is only a message board. It isn't life. You can't control what others think, do or say, but you can control how you react to it. DON'T LEAVE!

Hi Lynda!
I know what it is like to care about something so much and to take horrible insults to those things to heart.
Get yourself calmed down, get your migraine better (trust me, I know exactly how horrible those are...I was hospitalized for three days in November with one) and then get your behind back on this board!
You give so much support to others and ask for so little in return...well I am asking for something more from you...don't give up on US. Especially, because of somebody's mouth that is so much bigger than her brain. Besides, she has pulled her profile and is no longer in this web site's database...and even if she was, who cares?
She is not worth your tears, anger, frustration OR anymore of your valuable time. I am going to send you an e-mail with my phone number, but I fully expect you to continue posting on this board...OK?

Hello Lynda
please dont leave the board you are very supportive to others don't let this bother you it isn't worth it just let what they say go in one ear and out the other you are better then they are. I know how you feel cause I let a certain person bother me but not anymore . so please dont let them chase you out of here we will miss you if you ever need to talk email me ok. thats what we are here for.
hugs Laurie