Easter Fun!
OK Ladies...I havn't posted for a while...I've been busy (my daughter broke her coller bone on Friday)...she's doing fine
...but has to wear a little sling. I have 2 questions...
1. Who had the idea about the Adventureland thing...I really want it to happen but summer plans are already filling up...I would love to help get the wheels moving, but I do not want to steal anyone's thunder.
2. What is everyone's plans for Easter?
I will be in the Quad if anyone wants to get together for an hour or two Friday night?
Laurie...that is an awesome new photo...you have now got the prize of looking totally different than your before pic.
We'll have a new pic up soon...Jason wants to get to 100lbs before we take it...he's been stuck at 99 for two weeks. I'm up to 123lb loss...YEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Who says men lose faster than women !
PS my hair is coming back!!!!!!

Hello Deb I just feel so different my plans for easter we are having ham with my mother and spending time with the kids saturday i'm taking them to the easter egg hunt so that will be fun where at are you going to be in the cities maybe I can get away for an hour i'm 35 minutes away. my email [email protected] its nice always meeting people off here. you look great too you look so much different. well im off to bed,lol take care
hugs Laurie
Hey I don't remember who had the Adventureland idea.....But we are going the weekend of June 12....I don't have a calender right in front of me.....but we are going that Saturday.......Maybe we should use that for a date???? WE are going for my twins fifth birthday.....but I would be more than happy to meet some of my weightloss buddies from here!!!!!
I feel bad for your little girl.....we haven't broke anything yet....knock on wood.....but I can only imagine how difficult it would be to keep them from moving a lot and keeping the arm in the sling......Best of luck to a speedy recovery for her.......And tell Jason to hurry up we wanna see his pic.....lol........My hubby is also Jason! Two things in common.....twins and hubbys named Jason....lol.....Have a great day and I hope more people can do the adventureland thing.........

Hi Deb
I'm SO sorry for your little girl. The poor baby!!
I'm not sure if I'll get to do the Adventureland thing. I'm HOPING to go though!! I have not heard much talk about it for a while.
Easter is just going to mom's 20 minutes away. Just a small lunch and some family time to share.
Have a great weekend!

Hi Deb
I am Paula and live in Clinton. I am so sorry to hear about your daughter... it sucks when the kids are ill/injured.
Friday night works for me, I'd love to meet you... you have an awesome spirit. RoseAnn or Mary Jo or Jessie or Pat or Renee anyone else interested????
123 lbs that amazing
Congrats to the hubby also
my email is [email protected]
Easter is a going be a small family thing in Clinton lots of food and my Siamese cat NEWMAN buys Easter gifts for my son and the neices and nephews. He's the Easter Newman.
(just a crazy blonde cat lady--)
300 lbs/129 lbs
RNY Nov 01

I think a little gathering would be great..........I unfortunetly will be gone.....we are heading out to my folks thursday night-sunday!! And they are no where close to Davenport.....That would be so fun....Paula...Deb....Laurie...Andrea....RoseAnn......I am jealous
Have fun I hope you'll get to meet.....

hey deb, sorry to hear about your daughter. i think it hurts us worse then it hurts them. well my plan for easter was to make up for christmas since i decide to stay in the hospital instead of getting well. so i was making the strawberry pie that i found on this site and i was also going to make it with peaches. and macaroni salad and potato salad and deviled eggs. making sure it was all diet foods for me and my mom. well i was just told that easter is off for us cuz my dad is being a butthead and so is my sister. so my kids are going to their dads for the day then i will do something with them when they get home.
deb good job on the weight loss...keep up the great work.....i bet you feel awesome. happy easter to you and your family and to everyone else.........lynda
Hi Deb-
I will be busy with my job on Easter- (I am Music Director at a very large church) so I will be playing a lot of piano and singing my heart out for 3 masses. I'll cook Easter dinner that afternoon- nothing too fancy. The last time I tried ham it didn't agree with me, but that was a couple months ago, so I'll probably try again.
Tell me again when you go to the Y- I go MWF at noon, and Thursday and Sat. midmorning. I would love to meet you there!
ps- 123 lbs. is so incredible!