Weekly goals, roll call and update on last weeks goals
Good morning all,
Let's hear who is out there today! What are your goals for the week? How did you do last week towards your goals? What's new in your journey?
My goals are:
1) to start each day out with the song of praise AND a prayer.
2) HAVE to stop the snacking. I did not accomplish that goal at all last week. I do great during the day, but at night, I stink! I do have an appointment to see a psychologist next week to help me get a handle on these food issues.
3) keep up on my water because when I snack, I don't always get in the water that I am supposed to.
That's all for me folks. Let's hear from you all now.
Blessings for your journey,
My goal this week is when i get up is to do my hair and dress up a little more instead of sloppy and beggy clothes. I did reach my goal last week of not beating my son. i love him to death. you ready for this he actually got up this morning and got ready for school and when the van came to pick him up he went with out any problems......
The concert was awesome!!!!!!!! i bought a kenny chesney shirt, and a keith urban shirt. My mom and sister met dierks bentley and got me a pic signed buy him. But they got their pictures taken with him and got to talk to him. they was going to the bathroom and ran into him. I am thinking darn i should of went to the bathroom to but they didnt tell me they were going. How rude of them......lol we all had fun.........lynda
Hey Andrea,
Last week wasn't a good week. I survived so I DID accomplish something. I didn't exercise, but health issues are kind of getting me down. No excuses. It's a new week, and where there's a will there's a way.
1. Exercise
2. Water, Water, Water,
3. Pester the Cigna health ins people until I get some answers about reconstructive surgery
4. Organize Bedroom (STILL, or AGAIN.... WHATEVER) LOL
Everyone seems to be doing well CONGRATS.
God Bless

Lynda - Good idea about doing your hair and make-up. My mom tells me that when I wear the baggy clothes that you can't tell how much weight I have lost. Glad to hear that things went well this morning with your son and that you enjoyed the concert.
Jeri - Keep up the work-outs and you will be a "muscle-girl"! Why would you have a bad attitude at the doctor? Let us know how it goes, and for goodness sakes, girl, would you please GO TO BED!!!!!!!!!!
Laurie - Hope you get off of your plateau soon. I remember, those stink! That is why I don't weigh myself that often. Keep up the walking my friend and we can work on the fluids and snacking together!
Paula - Good luck with the insurance people. Keep us updated.....and golly, Miss Molly, would you please organize that bedroom?!?!?!?!?!
Jane - Good luck to you as you go through this period of fluids only. It must be hard. I did not have to do a liquid diet pre-op, just for a week post-op. Get going on that walking, and before long, you will meet Laurie walking across the state of Iowa (LOL)!!!!
Thanks for posting ladies. Good luck to you all on your goals.
Continued blessings,