??Stuffing on Phase 3??
Hi I am in need of advice. My parents are celebrating their anniversary next weekend and my mom decided to make turkey stuffing sandwiches which are so good and moist. I agreed with mom and said that should be something I could eat on phase 3. Then I got to thinking the stuffing is bread and even though the bread is dried and is really moist in the sandwich I don't know if its ok or to avoid all together?? I hadn't planned on eating the bun. Thanks for your help! Kim
honestly, dont really know what you mean as far as phase 3.
But, being nearly a year out, I can eat a few bites of stuffing, but that is it. It DOES expand inyour stomach, or at least it does for me. I cant even eat rice now, that stuff expands so damn fast, it shouldnt be called rice, it should be called the amazing super fast expanding food. LOL
If I were you, maybe make some stuffing at home, and eat a few bites, and see how it goes down. I love a few bites, but you will have to see for yourself!
sorry I couldnt help more!

I don't know what you mean about phase 3 either. However, you are not that far out from your surgery date and I would take it easy on the breads altogether. Some people have a hard time with them. I am three and a half months out and still only have several bites of bread on occassion. Remember, at this point in the game, you should be thinking of protein, protein, protein. Maybe your Mom could leave some turkey out for you. Then you could have that and maybe a bite of stuffing just for the taste. If you are still unsure, check with your dietician or surgeon's office to see what they reccomend.
Good luck and God bless,
P.S. Judi, ditto on the rice! It hurts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi Kimberly-
Ditto on the Phase III- but seeing that you are about a month out, I would agree with Judi and Andrea that you should be careful when it comes to bread. I had my surgery right before Thanksgiving and I ate a little moist turkey and a spoonful of mashed potatoes and it worked out really well. You could try a small bite of the stuffing just to get a taste if you wanted. The thing about starchy foods, (especially rice and pasta for me), is that you can eat them and feel OK, but about 10-15 minutes later you feel so bloated like you're going to explode! But also know that everyone is different- Good luck!