Have Possible Date!!!!
It sounds like April 20th will be the day
AND the surgery will be in Cherokee not in Sioux City. Dr. was going to have to apply for priviledges for Mercy which no problem far as I was concerned my cardio doc is there also. Reasoning for the city was due to heart probs. Anyway I'm on committee for Obesity Walk & was talking to Bariatric Coordinator & told oh that's not all, he applies for priviledges then waits for approval, then I have to have pysch exam AND behavioral program AND nutrition so I was looking at more waiting time
Said a few choice words let me tell you
Called Dr. Shinnerl's office right away at 8 & talked to Sherry, what a sweetie she is
She relayed the message to Dr.'s nurse Jo & things got on a roll. I see Dr. on Tuesday
She thought the 20th looked good & will find out for sure on Tuesday
I'm ok with surgery at Cherokee, I have complete trust in Dr. Shinnerl

Carolyn: I'm so happy for you! Dr. Shinnerl is the best and Jo is soooo caring and special! My fiance had his esophagus removed and Dr. Shinnerl replaced it with stomach tissue 1 half years ago - he ( my fiance) was one step away from esophagus cancer - he would have had a year to live if it wasn't for Dr. Shinnerl. He was there for us day and night - He loved my 3 a.m. calls!....lol I hope to hear about my disability hearing approval soon - Prayers are welcomed! I then plan to head over to Dr. S to get things going! Take care and in touch! - Carol
Thanks for your thoughts Carol
I think Dr. Shinnerl & staff are fantastic, they are all caring & compassionate
You have my prayers, I know you will be approved soon. The great thing about Dr. Shinnerl is there isn't a waiting list a mile long. Tuesday will be the day I find out for sure,
wish surgery was sooner.

Good luck on your up coming surgery. like you probably guess time will fly by and you will be posting on how great you are doing. think positive thoughts. But remember no matter what you are a survivor. If i can survive all the stuff i went threw you will do just fine. Good luck!!!!!! you are in my prayers........... lynda