Tip on phospho soda bowel prep
Saw this on the today show with Al doing his bowel prep. We all know how delicious this stuff tastes (yeah right) anyway it said to mix with cold water and to chew gum prior to drinking it. I guess it makes it taste better. So I hope this helps those of you that still have to do this. don't know if it actually works I am not going through it again to find out. But I thought it might work for someone who still is awaiting surgery.
I saw that too & couldn't figure out how chewing gum before would help. Perhaps deaden the taste bids?
The colonoscopy was interesting. I chucked when I saw that Al slept right through it. Katie was wide awake when she had hers & talked all through it. When I had it they explained that everyone reacts differently to the anesthetic they use. Most don't remember a thing, many sleep, & some are completely aware of what is happening. I was one of the last group. I found it fascinating & watched it all on the screen. I was upset that I gave them my glasses because I couldn't see it very well. I remember the doctor saying there was a polyup.
It also made me feel really bad though. My Mom had colon cancer & had to have several colonoscopys. She always told us that she was awake when they did it but we never believed her because the doctor led us to beieve she would be totally out. My brother had one & didn't remember anything. Mom was always scared of tests. I wish I had believed her so I would have been more understanding.
If the doctor recommends a colonoscopy, don't hesitate to have one. Ya, the prep is nasty as most of us already know but it does save lives. Mom would still be here if she had one a year sooner. We lost her 11 months ago & colon cancer is a terrible way to go.
Dixie I am so sorry about your mom. Colon cancer is so scary because you can feel perfectly fine and have it. Katie really has drawn national attention to this and it take alot of guts for all of america see your colon. I hope your mom went peacefully and pain free. I didn't mean to make you sad. Hugs Kim
Oh, Kim, don't aploigize. You didn't make me feel sad thinking about Mom. I love to remember her. I only regretted that we didn't give her the benefit of the doubt. We believed what the doctot said about her not knowing what was happening & didn't believe her when she said she was aware of it all.
Colon cancer is sneaky but luckily there are ways, although somewhat inconvenient, to detect problems before they happen. Dad had it also but his was caught earlier & he didn't need any further treatment after his surgery. Mom wasn't as lucky but she ignored symptoms for months.
I was feeling kind of sad Saturday mroning getting ready for my son's wedding. I wanted my parents there for it. I especially wanted Mom. When my sister got to the wedding the first thing she said to me was, "Dixie, you look so much like Mom today!" Maybe she was there afterall!