Humpday goal update - let's hear how you're doing.....
Good morning, ladies,
How are you doing towards your weekly goals? I have been able to start every morning off with a song of praise, but the snacking.................... that's another story. (Thought by checking in mid-week, we will help to hold each other accountable.) I did well Monday night, but was shopping yesterday and thought that I needed a s/f russel stover chocolate covered caramel egg. Ate that and then last night ate some peanuts and some soy nuts as well as some s/f popsicles. What a bad night!!! But, I am back on target today!! I WILL NOT SNACK, I WILL NOT SNACK, I WILL NOT SNACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
As for your goals - Laurie, I predict that you will be running the Bix this summer. Keep going, girl and you will walk across the state of Iowa!
Tammy, did you get your job? I personally don't count carbs, just don't eat many except for a few crackers a day, (except in some fruit, which I have been trying to have some daily). Have pasta or a little bread maybe once or twice a week. Okay, enough now Tammy, get off the puter and GET TO SCHOOL
Jesi, How are you doing on eating less carbs? Can you put some of those foods up high where Jason has to get them for you? How often are you able to go to water aerobics? By the way, you need to quit weighing yourself every day - do it only once a week to see more progress and then you won't get down on yourself so much. Girl, you are darn near skinny - keep up the good work!!!
Leslea - how are you doing with your eating? Are you trying meats yet? Be sure to eat other foods high in protein like cheeses, f/f refried beans, even some mashed potatoes with cream cheese. My family loves f/f, s/f white chocolate pudding with 8 0z f/f cream cheese - I call it crustless cheesecake because it tastes just like cheesecake. The kids like to dip graham crackers in it. Keep working on getting in your proteins and keep up on those protein drinks (have you tried chocolate mint Elite? I get it from Susan Maria's website -
Paula, get that room rearranged... and while you are at it, check your blood pressure!!!
Jeri, Wow - 6.6 inches lost since you have been working out is phenomenal. Remember that muscle weighs more than fat. Don't you go getting down on yourself at all
!!! You are doing a wonderful job. Keep it up.
Well, better get to work. Let's keep working hard towards our goals. Hope you all have a great week.

What a motivator this morning!! I emailed you two things this morning! I hope you are having a good day at school! I am doing okay on the carbs....but with stress it is so much easier to grab 4 ritz and a slice of cheese for snack....then I want them all day.....I have to get rid of the crackers and popcorn altogether.....I do the water arobics 3 times a week and now have added strenght training a couple days a week....we are going tonight as a matter of fact and we went monday too! I am far from skinny but thanks none the scale might have to go bye bye with the crackers and popcorn......Have a great day

Andrea - Thank you for the encouragement, I went to a new place called vitamin world and actually found some protein bars that didn't make me gag. Not doing to well with meats, pasta, bread yet. Spent SUn and Mon throwing up.
Mashed potatoes aren't my friend either, I loved them before. RIght now chili seems to be the only meal I can have but put a lot of cheese and sr cream so getting calcium and protein with that. Again you are our cheerleader
weather better today so time to go for a walk. Have a great rest of week and weekend!!!!

sorry i havent updated much since i had my surgery. right now my goal is getting threw the day not killing my son. i am having major problems with him and before i use to eat. well i am not doing that. right now i am numb and i dont care about much. i am keeping up with my weight loss. they say everything happens for a reason and god only gives you what you can handle. damn he must think i am strong. between all my complications, my ex husbands bull crap and my son and now my sister is pulling crap. i wander why and what is the use. lynda
Oh, Lynda, I pray that you will feel some relief today. You sound soooooooooooo depressed. If I was there, I would give you a big hug. Here's one anyway (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((HUGS))))))))))))))))))))))))))
I thought that I read somewhere that your son has ODD? Is that so? I teach special education, so am familiar with it. How old is he? I bet that that is a real challenge for you. At times like this, Lynda, you need to really rely on the strength of God. Let HIM hold you up. And when you think that you cannot go on, seek help. Honey, we are here for you - always!!! Have you thought about seeing a counselor or psychologist? Please set up an appointment for yourself immediately. (I myself am going to see someone to handle issues with eating, etc.). Do you have any friends or family that you are close to and live close to you? You need to have a close contact person for support. And, you need to be posting here more often so we can continue to chat about things that are bothering you. Please e-mail me if you need to, Lynda. I will continue to lift you up in prayer!
Blessings and prayers poured out your way,
Thanks so much for the encouragement Andrea,
I went to my Super Firm class last night (super sore !!!! the intructor's using weights now! YIKES my legs were ready fall off and give up after the first 10 minutes)... but it's working. I will have a toned up body by summer. Then did a little Nautilus. Today is a cardio workout.
Didn't get my walking in though tomorrow and this weekend though I am going to do my upmost.
Drinking WAY too much diet soda. Trying to cut back to 1 per day.
My room still is an official diaster area; but I am off on Friday and am determined to get it done!!! All you Clinton area girls get ready for some more clothes; I am determined to make things fit in that tiny space.
Personal issues are weighing heavy again this week. I am trying to keep busy so as not to have a pity party for one!
Hello my goals this week are going good I been walking the bike path everyday and doing situps at night. as for snacking I had popcorn last night my goal is to try for that bix walk this summer i'm planning to walk the march of dimes walk the 17th of april its a 4 mile walk let me know if your interested I have some regerstrations cards. take care
hugs Laurie
Hiya Andrea!!
Guess what~~~~ I was at school!! YAEEEE
I only had to go 2 days this week, instructor will be out of town Friday. WOOOHOOO, One goal accomplished! LOL.
Carbs....well, it's come and go there. I really shouldn't worry so much about it since surgeon doesn't say to worry.
Upping my exercise by 10 mins.... so far so good there
Well, that's all I had I think...
OH WAIT, the job!! WELL~ seems they are just waiting for my background check and it really sounds GOOD. I'll be sure an scream WOOOHOOOOOOO as soon as I know for sure I have it
I hope you are all doing WELL! and FEELING well. ((((((((HUGS)))))))) to you all!! I miss being on here as much as I used to be. You are all so great
Well, so-long for now my friends!!

Hey Ladies.............
My goal is to keep on keepin' on at the Y. I'm doing the cycling class MWF and now I think I need to do weight machines & walk the track TTh. I am proud of myself for what I am doing already, but feel I could add a little more, but I don't want to burn out either. I also need to stop weighing myself everyday- I know once a week would be plenty until I reach my goal- then daily is good. Food wise things are going well. I don't eat many carbs because they make me way too full. I do eat a grapefruit a day though, and some crunchy carbs like crackers or croutons on my salad, but pasta and rice make me sick and bloated. I still haven't eaten sugar in 4 1/2 months and I have no desire to find out if I dump on it- I'd rather just assume I will. One thing I would like to try though is a margarita, but I'm afraid to. Have any of you tried alcohol a few months after surgery? What would be a safe choice as far as lower sugar content? Does Russell Stover do margaritas? LOL!
Take care all-
As usual, here I am a day late and a dollar short! Things have been busy around here. Coudn't wait for spring to get here, now wish I had some of that winter calm back!!!
One week from today (Thurs.) My Mom is having her open heart surgery. They are going to replace the Mitral and Aortic (SP) valves. The good news is that they don't have to do a bypass also.
Jeff (DBF) finally started back to work, but they have him on nights. So anyone cruising thru DesMoines at night and going thru construction areas, PLEASE slow down and stay aware. Jeff drives one of the trucks (the BIG ones) but is still sometimes on foot at the sites.
With everything else going on, my goals for this week are gonna be simple. Water, water, water and walk, walk, walk.
That's it for this week, don't wanna set my expectations too high and then fail.
Hope everyone is doing good and I will let you all know how Mom does with surgery.