Weekly check-in and goals
Okay ladies, I think that Elizabeth started this last week with listing our goals. How did you do toward your personal goal last week? Did you accompli**** What is your goal for this week? Also, how are you doing with eating and exercising?
My goal last week was to walk while on spring break and to read my Bible (like Deb). I was able to walk two times last week even though I was on break. Then, Friday, I shopped and parked way out in all of the lots so I would get more walking in. I was very nervous about being home all week and what I would do with eating...............but...........I did wonderfully!!! Snacked rarely and when I did, it was high protein, low carb and low fat! About the Bible, Deb, I hope that you did better than I did.
My personal goal this week is to not snack at all unless it is a s/f popsicle (which the dietician considers freebies). So far so good, I haven't snacked all day. Woopee~!!!!!!!!! I will try again to get into my Bible every day, but if I can't, I will make it a goal to (in a sing song voice) "let the first song that I sing be praises to my God and King"!!
Let us know how you are doing and what your goals are.........
Blessing to all,
Hiya Friends
Well, I think I missed the first goal setting challenge so I'll start here
Hmmm, lets see. I think I'll do the following:
1) Eat LESS carbs!!
2) Walk 10 minutes more each day this week
3) Get my job (LOL)
4) Go to class EVERYDAY (I'm a well-known skipper)
Ok, the carbs is the BIGGEST deal right now. I'm off to a great start though. I had 22 total carbs today; whereas yesturday, I had 90. UGH!
My doctor doesn't say I need to worry about carbs, but it seems everyone on the site does. I'll give it a shot, maybe I can get off of this dang standstill.
I hope you all have a WONDERFUL rest of the week. Bundle up tomorrow (Tuesday), it's gonna be a CHILLY one.

Good Morning Folks!!!
I don't think I set any goals last time either.....But I do need some!!!! I need to exercise more and eat less carbs.....I think I have hit another plateau......nothings moving for over a week
Carbs are my red light foods.....I can eat them and want to eat again 15 minutes later.....just like before surgery.....so I really need to make a huge effort on eliminating them completely!!!! Wish me luck.....And best of luck to everyone else on trying to make your weekly goals... Take Care

Well I totally forgot my goals for last week, but kids on break and all they wanted to do was play video games and eat. BUT Mon and Tues since it was nice we walked, walked, and walked some more. I outlasted them for a change. I also got house cleaned and changed around, then the crummy weather set in, so I worked some overtime, I am fortunate enough that I can work from home. As far as eating all I can keep down in chili and crackers. Everything else I try to eat makes me ill. I am sick to death of protein shakes, but I did find some protein bars for the morning when things are hectic and I have to get out of the house fast with the kids in the morning. Freezing today but the rest of the week looks like it may be better. WIll do the gazelle at home and hope I can eat dinner later. Sorry so long have a great week everyone.
Okay, some of last week's goals were accomplished.... but alas I need to focus!!!!! The exercise and the less soda were semi accomplished, unfortunately my bedroom looks like hurricance HUGO hit. Here we go for another try
1 Excercise Ultra Firm and Naultilus....plus walking at Lunch at least 2 times
2 Remember to take vitamin.... also keep track of Blood Pressure
3 Eating more meat less carbs (BUT THEY TASTE SO GOOD!!!)
4 TRY TO CLEAN and organize my bedroom... I NEED A WIFE/MAID (when I was married it was the same thing!!!) LOL
Just kidding guys
Prayers and positive thoughts
Let's see-
1. Quit agonizing over little or no weight loss and be happy with the 6.6 inches I have lost since I joined the gym.
2. Be more consistent with my weights and cardio work outs.
3. HAVE MORE FUN!!!! and enjoy each day- be it rainy or sunny!
Well, THAT ought to keep me busy for the rest of the week!
Jeri H.

Well I did pretty well last week with my goal. I'm reading the 40 days of purpose book (anyone heard of it?) Our church is doing it for lent and I did find time every night for about 20 minutes to read that book and cross-reference in the bible. I, like everyone else, love to snack and some of the easiest food that goes down are carbs. A good doctor friend of mine told me not to count them or try to eliminate them, because I'll end up feeling like a failure no matter what. He told me to concentrate on high protein food choices and getting enough water in (morning and night). He said if I do that there will be no rooms for an excess of carbs. I REFUSE to feel guilty anymore when it comes to food...I've been doing alot of work with my therapist to break that association. I had this surgery to change my life and all the shame, sadness and "covering up" are now out of my life.......I don't want them anymore. My goal this week is to work out four days this week for at least 45 minutes.
God Bless, Deb Paul