Looks like a pretty day!
Looks like we are gonna have a beautiful morning!! I love the sun! I hope everyone in Ole' Iowa had a great weekend! What is everyone up to this week........I am gonna continue to eat good and try to exercise more......Plus I have a few projects around the house I would like to finish! Hope everything is well for everyone....Take Care

Good Morning Jesi...I love the sun also, hope it isn't short lived again today!!! We have had a very rainy/stormy weekend here in NW Iowa! My DH and all the other farmers are welcoming this moisture, as we will need it for farming. My kids are out of school today and tomorrow, because of a music trip so am gonna put them to work around the house today.
Have a great days,
Janet Schmidt
Hello Jesi,
I love when its sunshining here too today I have tanning and then housewok but i get more done when its nice out. i'm still beat from yesterday so i'm taking a break today but I am planning to maybe do the bix in Davenport this year. its a 7 mile walk so I need to work at it. have a good day see you in april.
hugs Laurie
Hiya Jesi
It's looking like a pretty day here too, so far. They say we could have some thunderstorms later.
My weekend was uneventful. LOL. Getting a bit frustrated with my 75 lb loss that has stopped again. Oh well, what will come, will come I guess. I had my job interview last Tuesday and that went well (I think.) It's so hard to tell because they have to be nice to everyone. LOL. I also had another job interview with McFarland Clinic in Marshalltown (close to where I live) on Friday, so we'll see what goes there too. I'm down to the last 4 weeks of my college. YAE!!! I get to pick up my honors cord and tassles on the 19th and Graduation is on the 30th. I'm so excited. I have a small party that night that my parents are throwing me and another party on the following Saturday night with Karaoke and all! It's going to be so much fun!!!
Ok, I guess I just wrote a book, Sorry! LOL
Well, I hope you are all doing WONDERFULLY and enjoy the beautiful sunny day!!

Good afternoon, girlfriends!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yep, the sun is shining here in Davenport (as I sit at my desk at school). But it is cold in my classroom. I think that the heat is turned off and I am freezing! I never got cold when I was fatter!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This weekend was eventful for me. Saturday was okay, but then yesterday, Anna came down with swollen glands and a stiff neck. Spent the afternoon at the care clinic and pharmacy getting her meds for strep throat. She is home today with Daddy, who worked all night and has not been able to sleep yet. Hopefully, meds will kick in soon and she will feel better.
Would like to go to the Trinity meeting tonight, but have to get home so dh can sleep and I can take care of my little girl!!! (I am feeling guilty for not staying home with her.)
Anyway, Have a great week everyone!
God bless,
P.S. Jesi, you ever going to e-mail me again? I feel disconnected since you are no longer able to IM. Get Jason to fix that, will ya???????
I would call you, but went over on the cell phone minutes last month
so trying to be frugal with minutes this month.
Laurie, thanks for the invite to the meeting. Paula, glad that you are going, see ya at the next Genesis meeting. Tammy - YOU GO GIRL with that education!!!
Again, God bless,

It's beautiful here in Fort Dodge too guys! But i hear it's supposed to rain/storm south of highway 20 this afternoon...so it might not be sunny for all of us all day. This weekend WAS very dreary...i didn't get much done and was really "down" with all the rainy icky weather. I have a "woman" dr. appt today and if everything's ok, im going to go on the Seasonale birth control. Hopefully that will help me with all the problems i have had with my time of the month since this surgery. 1 week of pms, 2 weeks of period...my poor DH is in hell! lol not to mention i am too! Hope this works good for me...but i also am kinda concerned that they will find something wrong that is causing this too.. keep me in your thoughts and pray for "warm hands" lol... ~Dawn