Switched docs, surgery in April
I decided to take a look at Ia. docs that took Title 19 & found one in Cherokee, 30 miles from me instead of 2 hours to Sioux Falls
Dr. Shinnerl is the best
he spent 2 hours with me
Surgery will be in April & it has been decided I will go to Mercy due to the heart problems. Jo, his nurse called & will be getting back to me this week to let me know when I can plan on surgery. Friday's are the best for him so she said could be the 16th, 23rd or 30th...
was yesterday to soon? Soon as I get a definite date will post. Reason it's going to take a few weeks is Dr. Shinnerl is just starting lap surgery & he has to apply for lap priviledges at Mercy. I'm soooo excited

CONGRATS Carolyn!!! You won't regret having Dr. Shinnerl do your surgery as he did mine also and I too had Lap done!!! He is the best in my book and his nursing staff is WONDERFUL!!! IF you would like to talk email me OK and if ya need some support the day of your surgery give me a hollar gf...I'll be there for ya!!! Iam sooooooooo happy for you!
Janet Schmidt
Hiya Carolyn....I have lost 60lbs so far, my surgery was 12/30/03 so Iam now 3 months out!!! I just recently 4 wks ago had hernia repair, but I had the hernia before I had my Lap done, so it has nothing to do with that surgery...otherwise I feel fantastic!!! I was Dr. Shinnerls first Lap patient...this is how much I love and trust this man!!!
Talk to ya soon,
Janet Schmidt