Getting frustrated and impatient!!!!
I know good things take time....but I'm so desperate to get my journey moving along. My surgeon is top of the line as is his entire staff....they are just making my life tough. In Nov 03 I was told to lose 15 lbs before surgery-and when I was told that- I was also told surgery was at least 8-10 months out (July/Sept 04)..... and I thought if I lose wt now-it will be like every other time-I will lose it and gain it and some more back then be in BIG trouble for surgery--so I an appt in Feb I met with the dietician and she said I gained 1.5 lbs and that if I had lost it and the 15 lbs I could have been moved UP the time schedule as not all those at the top of the list have done their pre-op stuff!!! SO long story short.....I felt I got screwed!
NO ONE SAID anything about lose now-surgery comes faster!!! SO I WAIT and WAIT and WAIT......I REALLY COULD USE SOME POSITIVE REINFORCEMENT!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for any and all!!!! Laurie

wow Laurie...
sorry to hear that you got the run around like that.
when is your next appt at the surgeon?
Seriously though, I would start first thing in the morning and work on that 15 lbs. I know it didnt go on overnight, and it wont go off overnight (well, maybe close to that after you have the surgery) but just really work on it. Try not to get discouraged!! Just keep working at it. and if you fall off the diet wagon for a day, get up the next day and get right back on it!
Thank goodness my doc didnt want me to lose weight, ya that would have never happened, although from my first meeting in Jan, til April when I went in for a pre-check I did lose about 15 lbs cuz I was so dang nervous about the surgery.
IF you need any good thoughts... read carnie wilsons books.. they do have good diet advice as well. I found them at barnes and nobles. Good read.
Or, just email me, and I can try and help ya out! lol

it just makes me sooo angry that they want you to LOSE weight so you can have this surgery.. i mean DAMN..if you could just LOSE WEIGHT you wouldn't be HAVING this surgery..sheesh. All i can say girl, is that no matter how hard it seems to get that 15 lbs off (although if your like me, you've lost 15 lbs NUMEROUS times in your life.. just not any more..and always gaining it back!) after your surgery it will be very very easy to keep it off. You still do have to try, but the whole process is so VERY much easier. Have faith, look to the future and give it your last really really hard effort to lose will all be worth it...i PROMISE. ~Dawn
Laurie, I am also sorry to hear the run around you are getting, if you ask me the psych eval should be given to the surgeons or their nurses or something.
I was also told lose weight before surgery, but it was not a requirement, I think because they had seen my history of how much I tried to lose weight, I mean I hardly ate and worked out at a gym religiously 3-4 days a week and nothing budged, I bulked up and that was about it. I also ended up gaining about 10.5 lbs before surgery because of my nerves and that last time I'll get to eat this thoughts. I know shame shame on me.
ANyways, hang in there it all will work out in the end and before you know it you'll be having the surgery and on your way to the losing side. Just go one day at a time and you will see. God bless and best of luck

I agree with everyone else in that I am sorry that you have gotten the "run around". Hang in there. I put on 10 + pounds before surgery because I had quit smoking. It was a requirement that I quit at least 8 weeks before surgery. Then, about 3 weeks before surgery, the surgeon put me on a modified high protein low carb diet in order to shrink my liver. He said that the diet was successful because my liver was nice and small and that made for an "easier" surgery. You might want to talk to your doctor and see if a low carb diet is a way to go before surgery.
Whatever you choose to do, hang in there and know that you have support here!
God bless,
Thanks to everyone for replying!!!
You guys are all so wonderful!!!
I do have some great news!! I had my shrink appt for results of my profile and it went GREAT
and he said everything was a GO!! So i called the surgeons secretary and she said she had JUNE 8th open-would that work for me!!!!! HELL YEAH IT WORKS FOR ME!!!!!!
So I didnt have to get myself all worked up.....but I STILL have to lose 16.5 lbs!!! DARN!!
Thanks for all the encourement!!!!!!