another beautiful day!
Yesterday was so nice, once the rain moved out. I love rain, so it was not a bother to me, but it sure felt good to be out and about without having to wear a coat! And this morning when I was out, you could smell Spring in the air. Thank God for Spring, it is a time of renewal for not only nature, but many of us also. Hope you all have a great day and enjoy the weather!
It's georgeous again here too! No coat at 7am...isn't that the best???? It IS cloudy in Fort Dodge this morning though..but hey...beggers can't be choosers! lol Did anyone notice how the GREEN GRASS is coming up? It just doesn't get any better than this ~sigh. And just think girls... SHORTS ans SWIMSUIT season is coming up..and alot of us aren't cringing at the thought! whahooOO!
Hope all of you have a wonderful day and may the most you wish for be the least you get!

Overcast here today but I will take that over snow anyday. It's great to get the house opened up, been doing spring cleaning all week long which is next to impossible with kids home on spring break so it's like I am going in circles, but it keeps me up and moving so that's a plus. Have a question for you all, I have noticed over the last few days where I have had everything reattached has a numbing sensation, to the left of my incision when looking down from above.
ANyone had this odd sensation before? Not painful but just odd feeling Thanks and enjoy the rest of the week!!