Dr's appointment and weigh in
I finally went to my one month appointment--2 months after surgery! It has been hard to get it scheduled. as you may remember I wasn't going to weigh except at the Doctor's, I did break down once, a month out of surgery when I took my son to the ER.
Anyway, I weighed in and am down 52 lbs!!!!!!! I feel great, I have more energy and am really beginning to notice. my knees don't hurt AND I just got called out to a home to check on some kids (that is why I am up and mailing this, can't get back to sleep) and when we were moving the kids, I could make it up the makeshift stairs at the house without "crawling" up and I realized how much easier it was to climb those steps (concrete blocks and NO bannister. anyway, I am going to try to go to bed now.