Lower sizes and new changes
Hi all,
Just can't keep it in any longer
- I was able to shop at a new store and for smaller sizes today. Needed to buy some clothes so I don't have to run around naked (ewwwwwwwwwwww) so dh and I went shopping today. We hit a Catherine's where I knew that I would be able to find clothes. I found a cute little skort that I really liked. Tried on size 28, too big, 26, too big............could it be - yep - size 24 fit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh my goodness - that is down from a size 32/34. Other clothes were 2x or 3x. I know that sizing has a lot to do with it, but I love the idea of being down 10 sizes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
After Catherine's, dh asked me about Fashion Bug. Well, the only time that I have been there, they did not have any clothes my size because I was too big. Well, I had a blast trying on clothes there. Needless to say, I bought a cute little outfit with capris and a shirt. (I have never worn capris before, but dh thinks that I need to show off my "little ankles"). Wow -I felt good after shopping today. That is such a change. I remember the times where I would go shopping and walk out feeling so blue and depressed because nothing fit me right or I was too big for the clothes in that store. I often had to shop from a mail order catalogue (Lane Bryant or Roaman's).
Other new and interesting changes -
*dh pushes my car seat back further than I do now
*I have nonstop energy to cook, clean, care for the family and work
*my daughter is losing her britches because she has made healthy changes along with Mamma's new ways of eating.
Thanks for listening to me go on and on. I am not trying to "toot my own horn", just wanted to share.
God bless,
326/263.5?/under 200

OMG! SHUT UP AND "TOOT AWAY" GIRL! YOU DESERVE IT! YOUR DOING FABULOUS ANDREA! Way to go! Just think..it wont be much longer and you will be in a size LARGE! So many little things will just "tickle" you now... like, being able to fit into a booth at restaurants without wondering if you will get stuck... god i hated that. The first time i went to a restaurant after my weight loss really started showing, my best friend thought i was crazy because i almost started crying happy tears when we sat down because i looked at the booth and thought "omg i wont fit" and then i did with ALOT of room to spare!!! Enjoy all the "happy little things" you've earned them! ~~Dawn Phillips
Way to go Andrea...but I have some bad news....those clothes won't fit you long...you'll only be able to wear them about 3x each and then they'll be FALLING OFF YOU!
You just wait!!! Look at all these responses...everyone on here loves you...thanks for all the encouragement you've given me! I cried the first time I fit into a booth too
You are so beautiful...when do we get to see a new pic? You wait and see...you'll be kissing Cahterine's good-bye soon!
God Bless