Dawn Phillips - she's alive!

SHE'S ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Great to hear from you! Things just aren't the same without your fish tales and smiling face here. (guilt, is it working???????) No you are not the only one that has forgotten us. but some check in once in a while. (HINT HINT) It sounds like you are doing good, keep it up and KEEP IN TOUCH!!!! Elizabeth
I know what if feels like. You probly had in your mind how much you wanted to loose in a certain amount of time...everyone does and we base it on the really impressive profiles...not the slow ones. We're all different and unique, and are bodies are all going to loose at different rates. The fact is that you have hit the "bleeping" CENTUREY club and you should be VERY proud of yourself!!!! Look at how far you've come, and tell yourself that your future is not yet written. I am very impressed and want to see a pic really bad. You are already so beautiful, I can't wait to see what you look like now (va va va voom)!!! I've missed you!
Deb Paul
PS Did you have any hair loss and when did it stop?

Hey Dawn,
I was so glad to hear from you. I am having surgery this Wednesday. Im very excited.I hope things are going better for you. I found a doctor in Cedar Rapids. Thanks for your answering questions for me. It was very helpful. Keep on being a loser.Lol I cant wait to become one myself.
Keep in touch with all of us.