Everyone digging out????
Here in Dubuque we weren't supposed to get anything....we got about 2 inches.....enough to have to shovel anyways.......and the weather man says maybe another 2 inches today and tomorrow.....I had so put away the snow shovels......bummer......How did everyone else fair in the snow department??? I hope everyone has a great day and stays warm.....Take Care~Jesi
P.S........Andrea I am going into withdrawals again.....lol.....since we got rid of AOL I have no idea if you are on the puter or not.....We are going to the Y tonight, but I will call you afterwards...Have a good day!

no snow here at all! I just dont get it! lol
I am only minutes from the MN border, you would think if there was any snow it would be up here, but not one single thing. Totally green outside still! oh well, they are saying maybe an inch tonight. ha. oh well.
I would rather not!
Just wanted to laugh at everyone who is digging!

HI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am having withdrawals too!!! Help - I need my Jesi!! LOL
Yep, we got snow - about 5 inches. Of course, not even a late start for Davenport schools because they got all of the streets cleaned, but streets in my area of the world were horrible on the way in this morning.
Don't you have an instant messaging program on your new service? I bet that you do. I was on the puter last night and saw your e-mail that said that you had sent me one that had a fatal error. AHHHHHHHHHHH don't know what that was about - Danny was playing on the puter the other day and downloading some stuff. Hope he did not screw anything up again!
I might call you today because I want to talk to you about tomorrow night. Also, I will check back here at lunch (11:30 ish). Hang in there, remember that I am here for ya always and am just a puter or phone away!!

Hi Everyone!!!!
We had put away our snow blower for the year!! And my husband had knee surgery yesterday so guess who got to shovel!! ME!! But guess what - I left most of it because I didnt have a whole lot of time!! I think maybe it will melt soon! Can't wait til its no jacket and shorts season!! It will be here soon!!
Have a great Tuesday everyone! Sunny
I think we got about 2-3 inches here..
Kids had 2 hour delay, and we have about 6 driveways we shovel out, elderly neighbors and my and my husband's mothers places, and wouldn't ya know the snow blower busted a belt and have to order a replacement. Oh well I think I more than made up for my exercise time today. Take care and think spring eveyone. Ya RIGHT.

I'm STILL Exhausted!!!!!!!! I had to shovel out our sidewalks and driveways from around 15 inches of snow here. UGH~ And I had to do it ALONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It took me an hour. I'm thinking that was my aerobic exercise for today. I'm sore and beat! I could have NEVER done that last winter though. I would have had to pay someone to do it as my hubby is disabled.
Well, have lots and lots of work to do on my 10 page Ethics paper, so I must go. Just wanted to check in