Good morning
Hello everyone I just wanted to say hi to everyone and to see how everyone is doing I will be 11 months out the 17th i'm down to 190 pounds i've lost 151 all together I went down another size in tops I can wear 1x now from a 4x I went down to 18 in button jeans and a 14/16 streatch I cant belive what the surgey did for me. I just get scared that I will gain it all back because i'm snacking more and I can eat more at meals so any advice. I go walking everyday about 2 miles. I hope everyone has a good day.
hugs Laurie
Congrats on the 151 lbs !!!!!
That is awesome. I can't imagine losing 100 let alone 151. Just give yourself a break. As the weather gets nicer you'll be out more doing more things than you were able to before and you'll see more will come off. I am only 6 weeks out right now, but from what I have heard and read as the first year ends things may start to slow down and the advice is to just walk or ride or what ever makes you feel good. You've made an increadible success of your surgery and the benefits will be with you the rest of your life, just take one day at a time and when you get bummed just look at how far you've already come !!!

Wow, Laurie, you are doing so great! I hope I can do as well at 11 months. Heck, I'd be trhilled to be where you are at 18 months! Keep up the good work.
Since I am only at 3 months I can't help you much with the snacking problem. That hasn't hit me yet too much. Mostly, if I feel hungry I drink water. I don't get enough anyway so that helps. Oh, and if I do well all week, I sometimes treat myself to some popcorn.
Awesome, Laurie!!! Just remember that you had this surgery with the idea of making changes in your eating habits. Have you? Do you eat less? Have you given up the sweets? Have you given up foods that you used to eat? Have you given up binging or grazing (like I used to do)? I know that you have made enough changes in your life that you will be able to handle everything well. Keep up the good work, hon, you are doing wonderfully!!!
God bless,
P.\s. Next meeting is next Wednesday 6:30-8:00. They will have a plastic surgeon there.
You have done awesome.....I hope I do near as good as you!!! I would love to walk two miles a day....thats great! I am now 3 months out and down 75 pounds total....I feel great.....I too have an urge to snack...when I conquer it I know I will be home free!!!! I have no advice about eating more because I am not far enough out....but they say you should be able to eat more when you get as far out as long as you are maintaining your weight loss you are doing fine....and if you want to loose more...go back to basics......Good Luck and can't wait to see you on Wenesday

Hi Laurie, I am Diana and I am 6 months post-op and have lost 115 lbs. and it feels great. I can do alot more and I exercise everyday. I had my surgery done at Iowa Methodist with Dr. A.C. and had no complications. I also have a son that is 6 weeks post-op and has lost 77 lbs. so far. He had his surgery done in Grinnell by Dr. Schwartz. He is doing well also. We are glad to be on this losing team. Congrad. on your weight loss. Diana