Iowa/Nebraska Get-together
I am trying to plan a get-together of people in the Eastern Nebraska/Western Iowa area who have had WLS or are thinking about it and want to meet other people who share the same experience. I was thinking about meeting at Lake Manawa, or Missouri Valley (I'm also open to suggestions!) some Saturday in May. Maybe we could a picnic and do something like kite flying? ideas are welcome. If you are interested please email me or reply here. I will post more info later as things are planned!

Gosh that sounds like fun. You are the first person that I have seen post that is close to just over the bridge. I was wondering if there was anyone out there that knows of a support group in our area of Omaha/Council Bluffs. I'd like to meet more people that can "relate" to what I go through....Keep me posted on the upcoming get together and maybe I can even help you if you need me to.
Keep Smilin'

OK, must be past my bedtime since I forgot to put the link in!! here it is. Sorry.
I am still working on this but I promise-It's gonna happen! And on a side note if there are any of you in the Omaha/CB area looking for something to do on Saturday night Mar 13, I am competing in a Poetry Slam at The Healing Arts Center in the Old Market in Omaha starting at about 8 PM. The Healing arts Center is located across the street from Little Kings and down about half a block. It is a very cool place and the slam is going to ROCK! If you have ever seen Def Poetry on HBO-it's something like that but better. This is the final qualifying round to compete for the 4 slots open on the Nebraska Poetry Slam team (Which-just in case you didn't know, Nebraska's came in 11th in the nation last year, out of 54 teams-beating out such cities as Los Angeles, Houston, Seattle, San Francisco and Chicago) This is not your run of the mill, sedate little poetry reading. This is a SLAM! I will most likely get trounced, but I always have a good time, and I promise, you will too. If you decide to come, come up and talk to me! I'd love to hear from you!