6 week check up
Went for my six week check up yesterday. Everything seems to be going fine according to the doctor. I wanted to thank all of you who answered my question about heart burn. Doc says that eventually this should go away even having GERD it should subside as I lose weight and he says I can use anything that works. Will start with Tums. Also according to what I weighed day of surgery I am down 43 lbs !!!!!!
Thanks again for all the advise and encouragement. Can't wait to get out and enjoy the weather !!!!!

Great news on the appointment and you should be doing the happy dance for those 43 lbs. You'll never have to see those again. Sorry to hear about the problem with the heartburn. I know my doctor prescribes for all his patients to take Pepcid twice a day for the first three months. I hope the Tums help.
Today was beautiful, wasn't it?!!!!