Elizabeth H needs our support!!
Imagine my surprise when I saw my name on the message board! My first thought was, oh sh*t, what did I do now????????? LOL
Thanks Sue for answering my questions and just being there and being you! For the rest of you, Wed. My 69 y/o mother has to have an angiogram. During a recent stress test, they found she has 2 almost complete blockages in the arteries. They have also found that 2 of her heart valves (mitral and aortic) are very calcified and need to have the calcium deposits removed in order to work correctly. The Mitral valve was done about 10 years ago with a balloon. Apparently, it is a one time thing so they wont be able to do the balloon on it again. Right now, they are going to see if they can balloon the arteries. If so, it SHOULD be afairly easy process. If not, they will end the angiogram and schedule her for open heart/bypass surgery. She isn't very healthy. COPD (chronic obstructive puminary disease i think) and has to do nebulizer breathing treatments every 4 hours. It is a terrible cycle of the lungs affect the heart and the heart affects the lungs. Hopefully this angiogram will help with a lot of these things.
Thanks for the prayers and for keeping us in your thoughts. I will update as soon as I can. Probably won't be until later wed. night since I won't be at home during the day.
PS Please keep Sue in your thoughts and prayers also as she has to have another surgery soon. She is fighting ulcers where the pouch and the intestines meet. (Did I get that right?) It is a wonder there isn't a constant breeze between western Iowa and central Iowa with as much Angel wing flapping as there has been going on between us lately!
I will keep you and your mom and family in my thoughts, Everything will turn out ok, but you need to take care of you as well, you will be no good for anyone if you are sick to. I will pray for you even though me and the man upstairs aren't getting along to well these days but rest assured, I will keep trying. Let us know how things are going and if you need anything, can't offer you much except these really huge shoulders to lean on. Take care of you.~~~~~~Tina
Sue and Elizabeth,
What ever would we do without you two!! I think the board would be awfully boring for sure!
I'm sending my most positive thoughts out to the both of you and asking that prayers be heard for those in need and that all will be well. It is so wonderful knowing that all of you are out there and no call is too great that it can't be answered. God bless good friends.
Keep us informed. Big ((((HUGS)))) to you both.
-Deb W.
Thank everyone for the support. I knew Elizabeth wouldn't ask for herself. You know how she is.
Me, I'm just having a minor
nervous breakdown.
the thought of going through all this again
surgeon says he has to cut out the bad stuff after the ulcer heals. I'm trying to think positive, I'll be starting over with weight loss!! LOL

Hi, almost 8 PM now and I just got home. Been at the hospital since 7AM. Tired. Mom has to go see a Cardiac Surgeon on St. Patricks day and he will give her a date to have open heart surgery. They are going to replace the 2 valves, Mitral and Aortic. and do a bypass on one artery. Not the news we hoped for, but better to get it done now when she is healthy enough to recouperate than when she actually has a heart attack and they have no choice. Going to bed now, have to be back at Mom's to babysit her during the day tomoorw incase she has problems with the angiogram site in her groin area. She was pretty drugged today. Kept asking why they would have fuschia colored ceilings in a hospital and how my sister liked her fish. We laughed so hard we had tears rolling down our cheeks.
Also, Dixie, my sister and I left the hospital for lunch today and my sister wanted to make a quick stop at Southridge Mall. We had a group of guys ask us what perfume we were wearing. Neither one of us wear perfume. So if people read these urban legends, the conartists and bad guys must read them too for ideas on how to rob people. BTW, I was able to get their liscense plate number and called it in asap to the police. IMHO, better safe than sorry.
Thanks again for the thoughts and prayers, I will post more later tomorrrow when I (hopefully) have had some sleep.