new for John Deere Health??????
Hello Everyone,
I have John Deere Select Health and they have new guidelines, I was wondering if anyone has qualified under the new ones and could answer my questions. One is how much documentation is needed at the Dr visits.
I see my Dr at least once a month for usually health reasons from weight.(diabetes, asthma, etc) I am always weighed and we talk about diet and execise but i don't know if or how much is documented.

Hi Dawn,
I'm wishing you lots of luck on your new journey. I have a very good friend here where I live and she too has the John Deer Health. She is very worried too. She said there are SOOO many criteria you have to meet in order to be approved. If she lets me in on anything new, or gets apporved, I'll get the info. from her and let you know.
Open RNY
Dr. Schwartz
-61 lbs

I'm really disappointed that John Deere has changed there criteria. I was able to have my surgery last fall and they were great about getting me approved quickly and also paying the bills. I had very little out of pocket expense.
There is going to be a 'Wellness Fair' at work here next month and I plan on cornering their rep and telling them that they need to keep paying for this surgery and they need to be very upfront about what they want us to do to get it. I'm really sorry that the insurance companies don't or won't see how much better life is when you've got hope for the future. It's worth so much more than a few thousand dollars for a surgery.
Hope that you get them to approve you soon. Don't give up - that's what they want you to do! We're all here rooting for you!! Take care - Deb W.