Hello I'm nervous
i am scheduled to have surgery 2 weeks from today and I have been nervous ever since I scheduled my date. Did or does any one else experience alot of anxiety leading up to their surgery? I am scared yet excited. I think a lot of it has to do with the surgery itself I am ok with everything else. This is my first posting have read lots of your postings and found them to be very helpful.
Welcome and glad that you're not lurking anymore
You have come to a very supportive place. Post questions and concerns anytime.
Before surgery is a very stressful time. I was on the boards all of the time talking to people, posing questions, looking for support. If I wasn't doing that, I was researching. I firmly believe that the better educated you are about the surgery, the better you will do post-op. Be sure to check out the main message boards as well as the February surgery date boards. I looked for several people that were having surgery at or around the same time as me and have become friends with them. The support is very important, in my opinion.
Find ways to deal with your anxiety so you don't take it out on the family. Someone told me to enjoy a hot bath or hide somewhere and read a book. I also said lots of prayers.
Hang in there. It will all work out alright and welcome to the boards!
God bless,

Thank you for your response it is very encouraging. I have done extensive research on this surgery I guess what the thing is the nervousness with the surgery is not to have a leak or risk of infection I realize with the lap it decreases the risk for infection. Those are the two things re: the surgery I am so excited about my new journey. Thank you again.
Don't worry too much about the leak problem. I actually had one and it was taken care of. It's been 4 months now and I often forget that I had to have a second surgery. It was caught quickly and seemed problematic at the time, but it's just a blip in my memory now. Good luck, keep reading and writing. The time passes quicker than you think and you will soon be losing with the rest of us.

I wanted to officially welcome you to the group and say I am glad you posted. I think everyone experiences some sort of anxiety before surgery. I was calm about the actually surgery itself but had many self doubts about whether or not I could change my habits. Those thoughts of "what if this doesn't work", "what if I can't live without my fried foods", etc. At one point I even asked my self AGAIN if I had truly tried everything I could to lose weight.
Fortunately my mom had VBG 2 years earlier, so talking with her helped calm my fears. It just helps to know that others have felt the same way.
Prior to surgery I continued to reaseach and read everything I could. I agree with Andrea's comment about being well informed.
The next two weeks will go by quickly. Try to keep yourself busy. Do things now, like cleaning, holding your kids, etc that will won't be able to do immediately after surgery.
If you have any other questions, just ask.
5/16/03 (Bariatric Treatment Center)
thank you for your response it is encouraging to have this web site available. I have read many posts and stories and have really learned alot I know it'll go by quickly and a felllow nurse where I work had this surgery but open and I have learned a lot from her so I agree its nice knowing someone who has been through it. Thank you for your response!
Hello Kimberly,
I don't think there are many people out there who DON'T get nervous or anxious while waiting those last few days before surgery. I think it's just fear of the unknown. You'll be charting new territory - so to speak - and it's bound to have you a least a bit uneasy.
For me - I found that taking a picture of myself - one where I thought I looked pretty good - and looking at it or putting it in a spot where I could see if often, made me see in no uncertain terms just how big I had gotten. (I didn't have a lot of medical problems that would be alleviated by the surgery.) The photo gave me the motivation to say I didn't want to be that way anymore. I wanted to change, I needed to change. It gave me the courage to say "Let's Go!" when they came to get me for surgery.
I also had a great deal of confidence in the hospital and the surgeon. And lastly, my sister's a nurse and she was there with me that day. (I have to tell you, it felt really good to know my big sis was looking out for me.)
Hope that's helpful! -Deb W.
I was nervous up until the DAy AFTER SURGERY!!! LOL seriously, though I was nervous and still am at times, especially now that I am considering going back to work, and wondering if my energy level will hold up and if I can eat without getting sick or dumping. but actually, I was one of the lucky ones. I had no real complications and feel great, I am 4 months out.