To weigh or not to weigh, that is the question
I know I just posted the other day about not using scales, but I broke down. I was weighed at my post op visit 16 days after surgery, my next appointment is 3/17/04. I don't have scales. I was determined that I was not going to weigh my self, so that I didn't get all crazy about the ups and down, and wouldn't get on the scales every couple of hours, since I am still home from work, (also DIDN'T have the money to buy scales that would weigh over 350)
Yesterday I took my son in to get some stitches out and literally begged the nurse in the ER to use their scale. I couldn't do it, I couldn't go just by how I felt or that the clothes were getting looser, I had to have validation. I am now one month out and I was worried if I was going to be a slow loser or what. I have decided that scales may be the devil's work--I may be as hooked to scales as some people are cocaine or meth. Now that is strange as I have gone for the last several years ducking scales, but now that I am losing I have such a hankering to check the weight, and I AM NOW UNDER 350. i HAVE LOST 28 LBS IN A MONTH,
SO, the question is, what is all of your attitudes about weighing? do you do it at home, do you do it secretly, do you do it with MIss Scarlett in the library with a scale (oops wrong simile)
By the way did you notice that I just slipped in the fact that I HAVE LOST 28 lBS IN ONE MONTH--
go for it. buy a new scale. one that goes to 300. you will be there before you know it. trust me, this is coming from someone who started at 360, who couldnt even weigh on the scale at work, I just could tell it was about that much. After about a month or so you will be down to the 300 mark.
I weigh myself, pretty much every day. But only right after I get up from sleeping ( i work nights, so now its when I get up in the afternoon)
I cant help it, I will do it forever. but I DONT beat myself up for not losing, or for gaining a pound or two back. you just have to keep eating what you know is right for you. Sometimes its jus****er weight, or stress. NO BIGGIE !
take it easy, take care, and dont worry about it. ! Just do it!

Way to go Bev! Don't worry about weighing yourself, it's okay. Just control it. I know some post-ops who weigh themselves mulitple times a day. That is too much in my opinion. My surgeon reommends once a week at the most.
Even though I am a non-weigher, my mom was always dying to know where I was. Just for her I would hope on the scale so she could see where I was at. The only condition was that she could make not comment and could not tell me what I weighed.
Part of the reason I don't weigh routinely is that I set specific goals for myself. (i.e. 75 pounds at 6 months, 100 pounds at 9 months, etc.) and I was afraid that if I weighed regularly I would slack off once I hit my goals. I don't know if I would or not, but I didn't want my sub-conscious sabotaging me. I also have exceeded each goal I set.
When I do weigh my first choice is to use the scale at my surgeon's office. Since he is 3 hours away, I only do that when I have an appt. with him. Otherwise I strip down at the gym and weigh myself in the women's locker room.
Keep up the good work!