Good Morning!
WOW You hit the century club already at 10 months! Congrats. I am only about 2 months post-op. I had my surgery on 12/16/03 and I am down 37 lbs. so far. I am happy with that but thought it would be dropping much faster. I am from Council Bluffs but I had my procedure performed in Belvidere, IL. Do you have any good tips for me to help me stay motivated and not get depressed about the slowness of my weightloss? It's great to have a posting site from within our own state isn't it??!!
Keep Smilin'

HELLO and nice to meet ya!!
I felt the same way about the way the "weight would just drop off"....boy it is sure a shocker when it don't happen the way you think it would happen.
No ideas on how not to get depressed since I have been for the last 2 months...think it is more caused by the fact it is winter time and I can't get out side....I FREEZE all day long now....lost all that fat and nothing now to keep me warm...but when someone says to me "man i did not realize it was you"...well that helps to keep me warm. Motivation.....who knows, but I went out and bought Dr Phils "weight loss book" for the motivation. I think you have to dug inside yourself to find the answers to those to things...cause I have not found them yet myself. The weight does come off and you start to see a different you looking back in the mirror in a few weeks and that helps get you going again. My secret was/is I look in the mirror each day to see something that has changed...no matter how small of a change...it still changed...Other then that I don't have any words of wisdom.
I took up golf last summer and that is a blast, never thought I would say that. I love to walk with my husband in the park and we do a lot more of that now and hike or ride our bicycles that he bought us. Plan on having a garden this year if you have the space that helps too...ESPECIALLY helps just to be out side instead of being in the house and thinking about eating. Gardening make me think of healthier foods and just plan old eat something right out of the garden is good too.
yes it is nice to have a message board for our state...I enjoy meeting new people that have had this surgery cause sometimes things happen and you just need to vent or ask a question to someone "WHO TRULY" knows what or how you are feeling.
thanks for your response.
Lorrie Ames area

Welcome Lorrie,
I'm down 47lbs in 8 weeks, I had my RNY with Dr Schwartz in Grinnell. I'm doing o****il I eat something that doe'nt agree with me then I spend the nes day or so throwing up. The only time I find myself depressed is when I look in the mirror & see all the sagging skin, I guess I'm going south for the winter.
RNY open 12/10/03