non supportive how? actively non supportive or passive aggressive non supportive? I think we have all had to deal with the "did you hear about the # of deaths, or complications or can't you just stop eating and start walking comments. You can either go head on with them or ignore them.
Most everyone was very supportive of me, so I can't give you much in the way of guidance.
Welcome, Dawn. I had supportive family, or family members that were quiet about their feelings. My suggestion would be that if someone is really negative about the surgery, tell them that your mind is made up (if it is) and that you would appreciate their support and not negativity.
Welcome to a board full of caring people,
God bless,
I had/have family that are not supportive. I reinforced the theme that I am doing this to LIVE, it's a health issue not a vanity one. Because I love them and want to be around it's the best option. Yes there are risks... but when you look at the death rate for the morbidly obese I think they'll see WLS the safest option.
I did suffer major complications from WLS. In the end I made it; I have lost the weight and have embraced my new way of life. YES with all the things that went wrong I would still do it again.
Welcome Dawn....Hang in there, hopefully your family and friends will change their minds in time, when they realize how serious you are about having this surgery! My famiy (sisters) were all against me having this surgery for different reasons, but they were all there to support me the day of my surgery and now!
Good Luck,
Janet Schmidt
Hi Dawn -
I am new too, and am kind of struggling with the same issue. I am not sure exactly how to approach the subject with all my family and friends. My mom isn't negative, but she is very non-committal about my decision. I finally told one of my two closest friends - and bless her, she is 100% supportive of my decision. Her comment was that she wants me to be happy and healthy and if this surgery would give me that, then that is what she wants to see me do. I don't know what my other close friend will say, or the rest of my family, but I need to do what is right for me...and only I can make that decision. I think that is pretty much how I'm going to approach it with them.
Good luck - I'm more than willing to chat about it and provide support if you need it.

Hi Dawn
I too am having surgery, most people are not supportive untio they find out you have realy done your research on the pros & cons. Hang in there. You will have some that won't come around, most do.
are you seeing Dr. Glass**** in Cedar Falls?
I have not meet him yet but have had most of my testing done and will meat him in a couple weeks. I would realy sugest you go to his support groups that meet the 1st monday of the month, they have helped me.
Good Luck