Pros & Cons of Open vs Lap
As some of you know I am in the midst of filing for disability. I have my hearing for it on the 27th of this month. Once it is determinted that I am disabled (and if being 389 lbs and taking 13 meds doens't help me then there is no justice in this world )- Tension breaker - had to be done - I plan on having WLS. I have looked into it before but put it on the shelf. Now I know it is the only way I will survive my new life with my fiance that we are embarking upon in September. I want to get all of your views about open vs lap surgery. I have heard that some body types are not made for lap - most of my weight is in my real lower stomach. I have also read that sometimes lap surgery takes longer to lose the pounds. I really can't afford the consult with the Dr. I want to do my surgery until I I'm covered by some government ins of some sort after getting disability. I'm open to any advice! Thanks - Carol
every surgeon is different. my surgeon does not do lap RNY. He feels that he gets better results and no leaks and he doesn't have to put people through the leak tests etc...and at 374, he said I wouldn't find anyone to do a lap on me anyway.
Lap isthe same surgery, but recovery is quicker and there are four or five little scars as compared to one large scar running from breastbone to past belly button.
some doctors need referrals, and other's don't.
Good luck.
I went to the same docs as Beverly-I was 348, and they told me it would be hard to find a doc that would do lap on my people my size. I'm sure it's been done, though. I was back to work in 2 weeks (part-time). I'm a teacher and no student was ever able to tell that I had a 12 inch scar and had just had major surgery. I heard open was better, and my surgery only took 45 minutes, as oppose to hours in a lap. It is more uncomfortable having it open and you have a large incision. I had no complications and being 5 months out don't remember the pain (even though it was there). If I could do it again everything would be the same-except I would have hired a maid for a month
Deb Paul :0)

Hiya Girlfriend....You know my answer to this question already! But I honestly think it is all up to you and what you are comfortable with! Also have you ever had a major surgery with an incision? How did you heal from that surgery? This was the major reason I had Lap done, cus I just don't heal right with a major hysterectomy. Either way you decide to go with just know that I will be there for ya!!!
Love ya,