The century club
Hi everyone- I am proud to say that I have joined the century club. Tomorrow Feb. 9th will be my 5th month anniversary post-op. and so far I have lost 105 lbs. WOW I feel great. Hope all other post-op losers are doing fine and my prayers go out to all the ones who are pre-op and will be joining the losing team. Good luck to everyone and will keep oyu all posted. Diana
Wow - that's so wonderful. I'm glad you're doing well and feeling good. I heard somebody say something about 'if you don't think lugging around a hundred pounds is tough. Then go to the store and pick up two 50 pound bags of dog food and try carrying them around the store a few minutes.' No kidding, sometimes I think it would be good for more people to do that. Might make them think before they say stupid things, huh?? Anyway - enough on that! LOL! HEARTFELT CONGRATULATIONS TO YOU!
And I hope things continue in such a positive way for you.
Best wishes also to your son.
Take Care! - Deb W.