New Loser!
Hello all!! I had my lap RNY on 1/26/04 and lost 16# the first 9 days!!! I am sooo excited! It has been so long since I have lost any weight! The first week or so I was really asking myself "why did I do this?" but now that I see that I am starting to lose weight, it will be worthwhile. I had a few days there that I was dealing with a depression but am feeling much better now. I still get a "lost" feeling when I smell what my husband is cooking or when he is eating. I try and not let him know how it makes me feel. I have moved up to full liquids and am tolerating that very well. I am still having trouble getting all of my fluids in. I sure hope this gets better. Has anyone got a favorite protein drink that they have tried? I have been looking at some of them on the internet and wondering which are good or not....If you could give me some feedback that would be wonderful....
I am also experiencing some mild to moderate pain in my left side still. It seems to get worse as the evening wears on or if maybe I have done too much during the day (as if a mother of three would do too much???)
Has anyone else had this pain and does it eventually go away?

Hiya Jeni.....Congratssssssssssssssss! Sounds like you are doing great!!! I have yet to find a protein drink that I like yet, so I can't help you there sry! I too had a lil discomfort on my left side for the first couple of wks, but it did go away and hopefully yours will too! To this day I know that I don't get all my water in but it will come in time. Take care....Janet Schmidt
Congrats......I also ama mother of three and did too much!!! Hard not too! Anyways I love Elite Chocolate Mint protein powder.....cold with milk or warm with is grea either way....and a little rediwhip on top makes it great!!! I also like ELite Butter Toffee Cream.....I make it the same or cold really good!! I order most of my stuff from She has tons of samples for only like 1.70 so you can try a whole bunch before you buy.....I highly reccommend that! Good Luck and take Care ~ Jesi

Hi Jenni! and welcome to the loser's club! I have tried many samples of protein drinks and I can't tolerate any of them yet. Have a few more to try, but have to psych myself up first! I do like the protein bars called Carb Solutions. I get them at walmart, walgreens, hy-vee, drugtown, etc. The choc. fudge almond is my favorite, but the others are pretty good too. (for protein bars that is!) They kinda make me feel like I am eating a candy bar so that helps the mental part a little too.
I had some pain in my ribs for a long time. I used a ho****er bottle (heating pad would work too, I just prefer the bottle) and let the heat soak into it. It does go away. Hope this helps a little. Elizabeth