Monday....any last advise?
Hello Everyone!! Well Monday is my big day!!! Surgery is supposed to be around 7 am - Still waiting for a call on the exact time that I will need to be there......I cant wait! I am so ready for this!! I was hoping to go to the local support group last night but it was cancelled due to the weather!!! I wanted to meet some people!!! Shucks....Oh well maybe next month. Well thanks to everyone who have given me advise on all kinds of issues - it really has helped me to prepare for this!! One last question I guess I would ask is - Is there anything you know of that you needed or wished you had taken with you to the hospital?? What should I pack??
One thing is - I will not have anyone there to visit me or call me - the reason why is because only 3 people know about this and 1 is my mother in law who will be watching the kids - the other is my husband who must be at work and come only see me in the eves - and the other is my sister in law - who lives out of town!! So I will have lots of time to rest. Do you think I will be bored???
Well thanks again for all the advise everyone - I will post again probally when I get home!! Sunny
Hey girl! I also am sooo ready for surgery Monday. I'm not nervous yet, but come Sunday I probably will be. Good luck to you, it is nice to know that you will also be going through this the same time as I . My surgery is scheduled or 11:45 am, I have to be there at 8:30. Have you had to follow a diet prior? I had to start 10 days out and it is hard. I would love to talk to you before Monday. My home # is 712-642-4496. Let's chat a bit and pysch one another up!!!!
Sharon- Hey Im not nervous either!! Wierd huh! Im working right now other wise I would call you - but the phones here are going off the wall and I wouldnt want to have to put you on hold!! Anyway - I go in at 5 am and surgery is supposed to be at 7am!! I just posted a thing about diet before surgery on the main message board - My doc said only nothing to eat or drink after midnight sunday night!!! What kind of diet are you on????? I was wondering about this!!!
Well I am suppose to be having 1 cup evaporated milk with 1 packet of Sugar Free Carnation Instant breakfast in the morning and then again at 8:30 ish at night. For lunch I am to have 1 cup of low fat cream soup with 1/3 cup dry milk added and then the snack is low fat sugar free yogurt and then supper is the soup again. Yah, know, if I could stick to this I wouldn't be having this surgery. This is the whole purpose of the surgery, I can't live on liquids for 10 flippin days. So I have had a sandwich here and there. They say that this is suppose to get me ready for after the surgery, well, yeah, afterwards I'm not going to want to eat, duh, the only thing I will want is something to drink. Oh well, 2 days away and I won't have to worry about starving myself anymore. I will be eating only what is needed to keep my body functioning and performing well.
Frst off, let me wish you the best on Monday. Things to think about taking are chapstick, a small pillow, slippers, a robe, and comfy clothes for the ride home. I took a couple of books and magazines, however I didn't feel much like reading.
I only have two tid-bits of advice. First of all for the pain, don't over do the pain medicine. If you do you will feel like you are in a fog. If you feel pain then use it, otherwise understand the difference between pain and discomfort. Second, try to get up every few hours and walk, you will really feel better.
Again best wishes for yoru big day!
Hi Sunny!
Sorry, I don't wish good luck but GOD LUCK, because all comes from Him including 'luck'.
He knows you and WILL watch over you. You are in my prayers.
I have my surgery on Wed. 2/11 and I am anxious to have it done and get my life back. I think anyone who has been in our place knows the difference between 'living' and 'existing' and how desperately we want to LIVE! again. I hope to be of greater use to my God and community.
I am packing plenty of books and word games, my crocheting, and my CD headset to keep myself busy. I am also bringing a couple of personal things that comfort me such as a bottle of my favorite Lavender lotion and one of my husbands shirts (it smells of his cologne).
Just enjoy the rest, because our new lives are bound to be more active and exciting!
God Bless and 'LIVE!' Rachelle