Need an angel please!!!
If someone could please volunteer to be my angel?
I am in great need of someone that understands what Im going through. My husband has said all along, if this is what you want go for it. But now that my letter from the insurance company is on the way, and more than likely approved, anyway that is what they told me when I called Monday, he says I should just try another diet, and that having this surgery is taking the easy way out. He says I should be more like him and just diet and exersize. I have tried that for years! My best friend is putting fear in my head, as she keeps saying what will I do if you die. I want this more than anything I have ever done. I know that with out the surgery and my high blood pressure, I will die without the surgery. I feel so lonely! I feel better all ready just typing this. I had a good cry last night. How do I make them understand this is not the easy way out, this is the only way out?

I am on the other side of the state but would be proud to be your cyber angel. There are probably some others members who are closer, but if you need me I am here. I too had high blood pressure and have dealt with friends and family who were less than supportive (to put it nicely).
You need to reassure friends and family that you are doing this BECAUSE you care about all of them and want to be around for as long as possible --healthy and active which if you were like me isn't possible now. This surgery is not as easy way out; it's a tool to help you. The weight does come off fast, but it's NOT easy it's a lifetime commitment to a new way to eat and live.
This surgery has given me a second shot at life. I had complications galore (none that were anyone's fault) but now that it's been 2 years I can honestly say... My life is better now! I have control over my eating, and the freedom to do so many new and exciting things that I never would have done when I was heavy.
You can email me anytime and we can exchange phone numbers.
[email protected]
You are in my thoughts and prayers
The only people who would call this surgery "the easy way out" are those who have never had it! You still have to work hard at eating the right things, the right amounts, etc. The BIG advantage to having this surgery, is that it gives you a head start. When you have over 100 pounds to lose, it's hard to to lose it a pound or two a week, and still stay commited. This surgery gives you a giant boost, in that you can only eat a few bites at a time. Eventually, you can hold more, but at the beginning, when you lose the most weight, it helps you see results, and helps you stay committed. Does that make sense? I could never have lost 100 pounds the conventional way. Period. I'd recommend surgery to anyone- it's NOT the easy way out!
This is s terriffic place to vent, get information, and find friends with common problems. Everyone here has either gone on this journey before you, or is in the process. You've come to the right place!
Best of luck, and keep us posted.
Jeri H.

Anne, I am also on the other side of the state. But have problems also. My twin sons 24 and daughter 23 are dead set againist this surgery. I got tired of the arguements and said no more. I only want to here support from now on. My hubby is scared but always made fun of me because I have tried every diet. My comment is at least I keep tring.I hope this will be the last diet. After March 23rd just a new life style. I don't work so I'm available anytime to talk or listen. Plus love this web-site. After I found it I knew I was making the right decision. E-mail anytime at [email protected]
Best of luck.
All my blessings,
Hi Anne!
I am having my surgery this Wednesday, 2/11, and I will admit I have been very lucky to have lots of support. I wish I could throw some of it your way.
Anyone who has ever had major surgery knows it is not 'easy'. In fact, I think WLS may be even more difficult because you do not have a choice after you have it. You have to eat right or you get sick! It could very well be that your husband and friend are afraid of losing you. I had to have my Dr. convince my husband that this was the best alternative. He was very concerned about losing me.
Ultimately, it comes down to this; you have to look at your life as it is now, and how it will be in the future if you don't have WLS. I am 38 and I weigh 430# and have Degenerative Arthritis and am facing a wheel chair in 5-7 years if I don't do something fast. I don't want that for me, or my family.
You can try to assure your friends and family that it will be okay, but in the end it truly is your body, your life, and your decision. God Bless and guide you. Rachelle