I have not been scared about my upcoming surgery on Mon. the 9th until almost about now!!! And the reason why I think maybe I am now is because I have had three people ask me "Are You Scared" Honestly I have not been scared and I keep saying "no" - but now I am wondering (just because people are asking me) Should I be scared?????? I will probally be a wreck the day before (maybe) but right now all I can think about is the good results I will get out of this!!! Which is the only thing keeping me on the right track I think!! Maybe reality has not set in yet either and this is still just in the early stages of a life altering reality! Its weird how so many feelings pass threw you during this process!! Wish me luck!!! Sunny
Hello Sunny........
Believe it or not.......I wasn't scared much.....when I first found out I was approved I was scared because I didn't really think it would happen. Then almost one month before I was scared...but I decided to not let myself be so upset/scared/worked up about was something that was great and that I needed.....So I wrote letters to my family and cryed the whole time......and after that night......I wasn't scared anymore....I was literally all by myself sitting up in pre-op reading a magazine as cool as a cucumber......and once they got me into the OR they put me out so fast I didn't really have a chance to be scared......I am more scared now 2 months post-op......everytime I have a pain or something I freak is a fun and emotional ride......Good luck on Monday....I hope you have a speedy recovery!

Hi Jesi - that is exactly me!!!! I am not letting myself get worked up about it!!! I thought about writing letters to my family but I almost dont want to because that way I know I will have to make it!!! (You know) And I can see myself freaking out afterwords about little things too!!! You and I are so alike its almost weird!! Thanks for the reply - and I love reading all your posts!!
I was scared, but the way I thought about it was that I could die from weight related reasons if I did nothing about my weight. I could get into a car accident at any time yet I still get into a car every day. I think you should take the risks of ANY surgery very seriously and make sure you have planned for the worst, but expect the best. NOTHING in life is 100%, so you need to have things taken care of, but I read that only 1 in 200 bariatric surgeries have bad complications. Have faith in your surgeon and in whatever you believe in and trust that your surgeon is going to do the very best. I was scared about all 3 of my c-sections, my gastric bypass and my plastic surgery, but I didn't let that fear consume me. I kept thinking about the big picture and how my life would be changing for the better and that I would have a better quality of life after surgery. Take care and know everyone here will be keeping you in their thoughts and prayers.
Hi Julie - You are so right - what would happen if I didnt have this surgery - I know I would end up way bigger than I already am and then have even more problems in health. I do know that this is the best thing I just want to try and stay calm about it. Like I did with my two c-sections - but like you said I could die anytime doing anything...Its in Gods hands and he has plans for all of us. Thanks for you reply Julie - you are great!!! Sunny
I too am having surgery on Monday the 9th and I have had dreams about it last week. I dreamt I had the surgery, recovery was no problem, but right after I was still sooooo hungry. The urges never went away and I still had them. I was soooo worried!! It really scared me, a lot of scenarios have flown through my head, but I know this is not likely. I have read where this is a normal sign of what is to come, so don't let it get us all up in a knot. We will work through it!!!
Hi Sharon - Funny thing is that I actually thought about that in real life - What if I am still hungry after surgery and cant control my eating!!! I think that these daydreams and nightdreams are just thoughts that probally pass through our minds to help get up prepared for what it will be like post op!! Good luck on Monday!! We Can Do It!!!!! Sunny
My surgery was 1/19/04, I wasn't scared until sitting in preop. I then got nervous and as my sister said, I would have left if they didn't have me tethered to I-Vs. yes everyone wanted to know if I was nervous and I kept saying no--I didn't have dreams about surgery, more about being chased and things like that.