how much hair loss. After surgery
About 4 months out, I noticed that the hair on the front top of my head was thinning. I started using a volumizing shampoo and rinse, upped my protein and vitamins, and hung on for a couple of months. My hair is mostly back to what it was, with the exception that alot more of it is gray. My middle name has become "Clairol"!
Jeri H.
Alot of the profile reading has left me with the impression that most hair loss starts at around 3 months post and continues till about 6 months post-op. Most report losing a 'significant' amount but after the 6th month, it will start to regrow. Many take extra vitamins and change to Biotin-type shampoos to help retain all the hair they can.
I myself am just over 3 months and have noticed more 'strays' lately. I am fortunate to have thick hair so I'm hoping it won't be that noticable?!?!? I just keep thinking, "I don't care - I'll wear a HAT if I have to!"
I feel good, I just have a hard time remembering to take my vitamins!
Hope that helps!?
- Deb W.

Just started noticing....Same type of thing-thinning at the front in the middle....I didn't have bangs, so I just got a new do-getting the bangs has helped hide the hair loss. I have been using the good shampoo, watching my protein, and taking the extra hair vitamin. I think some people are just going to loose some no matter what. I'm 4 months out, so I'll just wait and be patient...besides- people are looking at my shrinking body, not my thinning hair. I think I'm more sad about my drooping boobs
Deb Paul