Going out to eat - what did you order???
I went out to eat within the first month too! My whole family went to RedLobster.....but I was only like two weeks out so there I just ordered a large milk.......Went to McDonalds with the kids and had one of their little yogurt parfiet....I just didn't eat the granola...and of course I couldn't fini****but it was good! I went to a nice supper with hubby....I just ordered lemon-peper cod with mashed.......We have been to a b-day party at a local pizza place....there soup selection was ones I didn't like so I ordered nachos....got a couple packs of saltines and just ate some of the chicken and cheese on crackers.....It is pretty easy really....just be careful and don't try anything new while out....you would hate to get ill while at a restraunt! Have Fun

I went out to eat with my family about a week after I got home from the hospital and ordered hot tea which I diluted down to hardly nothing. Now, after almost 6 months out I usually order soup or nachoes. Sometimes I just nibble off everyone elses plates. I have found that the further post-op I am, the more restaurant foods I can tolerate. But again, everyone is different. By the way, I CANNOT go into Applebees! The overwhelming smell of garlic is instant sick for me!! Figure that??!!!
Michelle 08/11/03 -105# -83"!!!!!!!!!
I go out to eat all the time now, but I am 1 1/2 years out also. The first time I ate fast food, it was KFC and I had a kids meal chicken leg, mashed potatoes and applesauce and it was wonderful! I eat a lot of salads and chicken now, just remember that you can not eat as much so not to over order for yourself. Cheese quesadillas have lots of protein and are usually an appetizer and will fill you up, so I get those often. I go to alot of resaurants that let me order off the kids meal to save money. Don't be afraid to leave food, too... I was taught to "clean your plate" and that is not always necessary. I take leftovers home and eat them for a snack later that evening or for lunch the next day... make that dollar stretch, lol. Any other questions, make sure you ask!!