Trainers are the :devil:
Just a note to let you know that trainers are
. I worked out last night for the first time.
I had just been doing my bike here at home. Now my tummy is starting to hang so I want to see how much I can tone up. He started me on the treadmill.....ok I can do this.
Then he takes me over to the weights....ok a little harder, but I can still do this....puff puff puff.
Then that PITA gets me on the elipitical thingy......HOLY SHNOWZERSSSSSS...I am really sweating now.....all I got in was 5 minutes...then I couldn't take any more. He actually laughed at me.
See I had told him I wouldn't have any problems with the damned thing. Why do they have to be so mean

Hi Amy,
I am just out of surgery one month the 15th.But I had the open with hernia repair.Had a drain tube for 3 weeks and had to go back yesterday and have fluid pulled out.But my mom watched Oprah and saw a lady who had the surgery.It showed a picture of her and my mom said her boobs hung down to her belly button.And everything else went south too.She had surgery to tighten everything and put everything where it belongs.That is why I agree with you and will start toneing just as soon as I can.Good Luck Karen