Welcome to the board! I am 5'7" and walked out of the hospital after my RNY weighing 323, so I know how you feel. If you ever have any questions or concerns, make sure to post them or email me. I have lost 188 pounds in less than 2 years and I would do it again tomorrow. There are alot of wonderful people on this board so make sure you come and post often. Take care!!!
I used Dr. Stoner in Davenport, and he required all his patients to have a psych eval done. It was a breeze. Just make sure you get your insurance to pay for the eval since they are the ones that want it. Waiting really does stink... you feel like you will be fat forever. I started looking into surgery in February 2002 and it wasn't until July that I was finally able to have it done. My advice to you would be to get prepared, read anything and everything about wls. Look into joining support groups, go to meetings now so you can meet people face to face that have gone through the process. Start doing exercies, I had bad knees so I started doing water aerobics just to be in better shape for recovery. Quit smoking if you do, you will heal faster. Take pictures of yourself, do your measurements and I really wish that I would have outlined my butt on posterboard before I had surgery. This way you will have plenty of ways to show people what you have accomplished for yourself. I enjoyed the couple of monthes before my surgery by eating whatever I wanted, I knew that I was going to be so limited on the foods that I was going to be able to eat afterwards. But do not let that scare you, I can eat lots of different things now, I go out to dinner often, I just get kid's meals
Good luck and sit tight... keep yourself busy and time will fly by.

Hi Ronda!
I was going to go to Dr. Glas**** too, but the waiting for a consultation and the run-around with his office just wasn't worth it. I am now awaiting insurance approval through Dr. Bruce Hardy's office in Ames and am hoping for a February surgery date. If I can help you with anything, just let me know.
Blessed Be! Sherry

Hi Ronda!
I am also from the cedar falls area. I too am going to have surgery with Dr. Glass****
I have had my insurance aprove it and have gone through a lot of testing. It has been a long wait but I want to make sure I am healthy and it will come out o.k. I hear he is very picky ....but that is o.k. with me, I want to be on the safe side.
Have you been to any of the support group meetings? I have attended 2 and found them very helpful. The people who attend them are so nice and caring. Keep in touch maybe I will meet you at a meeting!
I'm toni-post op with Dr. Glas**** June 10, 03. I'm very grateful for his expertise. My brother had dr keating in cedar rapids. He left the hospital without ever seeing a dietician! It was the first thing i did when pre-op with Dr. G. I've lost 85 lbs. am a slow but consistent loser. Started at 289 and 5'3". I'm now wearing a 16 from 24! would do this all over again. I'm in Marion, IA. I work out consistently and love my life. Hang in there, the weight is worth the wait!!