Nutritional Evaluation??
Hi All,
This is my first post but I read the messageboard daily. You have a great support system here. I have a question....My insurance company has asked for paperwork regarding a nutritional eval. What can I expect in having one of these evaluations done??? And would it be better to have one done through BTC or have my doctor here refer me to someone. I understand that it is not uncommon for ins. to request this kind of information but I have never heard of anyone who has had one done. I mean it is pretty obvious that my eating habits have not the best or I wouldn't be trying to have WLS, I am afraid an evaulation would only hurt and not help my chances of approval. Your advice would be greatly appreciated..!
Hi Sherry, my name is Janine and I had surgery at the BTC in Belvidere, IL on May 16th. When I went for my initial consult I took a spreadsheet which showed the various diets that I had been on since I was a tennager (i'm 37 now). I also took a copy of my medical records from my family doctor for the past 5 years.
During my initial consult the BTC nurse asked a lot of questions regarding health related conditions and various diets. I don't recall her asking anything sprecifc about nutrition. I knew what I should have been eating, but I just wasn't doing it. If I tried to eat the correct things, I seemed hungry all the time and ended up sabotaging myself.
You may want to call teh insurance company to find out what specifically they are looking for. Then I would call the BTC to discuss. The nice thing about the BTC is that if you can have them do it I would. It eliminates paperwork getting lost as it shuffles between offices.
If you have any other questions, let me know.