surgery off surgery on
Lynda S.
on 12/9/03 10:04 am
on 12/9/03 10:04 am
man what a day sorry this is going to be long so i am saying sorry now. went to my surgeon office today. i had to get weighed and by the scale i was on today i was up 7 lbs since july so he came in the room and said he didnt think i was serious about the surgery and wasnt going to do it. i cried and cried. my son cried, my daughter cried. he says to me that i could come back in jan. and see if i lost the 7 lbs plus more. i was like what how can you say i am not commited. i have stop eating all my candy bars, junk food, i am already making food like i would have to have after my surgery. i walk to all my drs. appts i make my appts and show up early and when you call and ask if i can come i am there. he said that he was going to call my primary dr. well they both decided to wait. iwas like what ever. he said you know i do understand why you are upset. i was like sorry unless you have been overweight you dont. he was no i havent i said then you dont know what am going threw right now. i said since i was 8 i have been on diets and made fun of and watched what i eat. well after talking and pleading my case he said are you wearing what you wore when you came in that first day. i was like no cuz i had shorts and tank top on and now it is a blizzard out. i honestly dont thinks so, so he reweighed me and i weighed what i did when i went in there the first day so he said he would go ahead and do my surgery. i was like what ever. i know i should be happy it is still going to happen but i am not. i am drained and depress. well i am sorry again this is so long. i know you guys all would understand what i am going threw. thanks for reading this.
Sounds to me like this surgeon needs a real attitude adjustment! It was nothing for me to gain 7 to 10 pounds when it was "my time of the month." Thankfully that is gone now. I hate the comment about not being committed unless someone has walked in my shoes don't judge me! From the way you are talking I think he's just plain lazy, HE'S the one not committed. And your primary knows you better, hasn't he/she ever seen a weight pattern?
Good luck hon

This doctor sounds like he's on a BIG ego and power trip!!! That really
gets me angry!! I could see it if you had gained 20-30 # BUT SEVEN???
I think we all know by now that surgeons have huge ego's. PLEASE don't
let this man get into your mind too far. It sounds like there are a few
mind games going on. I talked to a nurse in my doc's office about this
subject and she told me one doc (not at this office) had actually written
in a chart that the woman had "great big knockers" The level of docs
I've been dealing with on a Workman's Comp case, the lies and all are
just unbelievable!! It's really sad. They all cover each other, you can't
get the truth out of them. So of course your primary doc agreed with
the surgeon. I'm sorry I'm ranting, but I just have taken so much
crap from these docs. I saw my surgeon this week, he does no testing
doesn't examine me, he just talked about how to read a label on food???
I guess I've lived in a cave all my life, I can't possibly be capable of
choosing the RIGHT FOOD, whatever that is!!! Oh, and he told me I can't believe everything I read on the internet, again with the cave,
and that's why he doesn't post or have a web site, because people
would take what he says out of context. This man will not tell me any-
thing, hasn't from the start, so Thank God I found this web site. I'm
sorry, but hang in there and remember YOU are paying HIM!!! Sue
Lynda S.
on 12/10/03 10:59 am
on 12/10/03 10:59 am
Thank you so much. i talked to my primary dr. today funny thing she was on my case and i looked at her and said what is going on. i told her everything that has been going on. i said you know my back is hurting again and my legs swell up alot could that be some extra weight. she was like yeah that could be alot of it there. i said go figure. so i am off tomorrow to have my surgery. lynda