Happy mood, wanted to share!
I weighed myself yesterday and I have finally hit 140 pounds! What a feeling~ I am still swollen and wearing my binder from plastic surgery 3 weeks ago but I was able to pull on my size 5 brand new Express jeans! Never in a million years did I think I would ever be able to wear a 5!! My incision is healing well, I have no bandaids on it and still some bruising and swelling, but all in all it's going good. I still have some pain, and it surprises me, I thought that I would have bounced back a little faster than I have. I can't wait to bowl, 2 more weeks till I can lift anything over 10 pounds. I am so glad that I went through with the plastic surgery- it is absolutely amazing that I have a waist and a flat tummy. I got a bunch of film developed the other day and there were pictures of me on there, I had no idea who it was at first, I had to give myself a second look to figure it out! I still picture myself as heavier than I am. I wonder if that will ever go away...
My BMI is 21.9. I am absolutely astounded!
Thanks for letting me update, if anyone has any questions about my abdominoplasty, ask away!! Also, for anyone that is recently out of surgery, if there are any dietary questions that I may be able to help with, please email me or ask on here. Take care!!!!
Julie, RNY on July 17, 2002. I weighed 323 when I left the hospital, down 183 pounds to 140, abdominoplasty on 11/11/03, Dr. Eckhardt took 4 1/4 pounds of skin off my tummy.
Sheila H.
on 12/4/03 2:36 am
on 12/4/03 2:36 am
Wow! That is so awesome! I am glad you are doing well after the plastic surgery. I do know that the people who come through our hospital say that the abdominoplasty is a lot worse than the wls. Did your insurance pay for this? If so, what were the reasons for the approval? (I am looking down the road, on what to submit to my insurance, should I ever get to this point.)
I know what you mean about thinking you are heavier than you are. When I was anorexic, I still thought I was so fat. My best advice is to surround yourself with pictures of how you are now. Because we all know the mirror lies about how we look! But pictures are more truthful.
Best of luck on seeing your true self! And way to go! You are an inspiration to us all!!
I have really great insurance, and they paid for a consult with a plastic surgeon. I go to weight loss support group meetings, and there wasa woman there that had used Dr. Eckhardt for her abdominoplasty and was so satisfied with the results that she brought in some of his business cards. I called and made the appointment, and he was very thorough in asking what problems I think I have because of excess skin. He submitted 5 different procedures to the insurance company and they approved only the abdominoplasty. They said the rest were cosmetic, therefore they would not cover them. I had back pain, rashes, risk of staph infection because of skin rubbing against skin, and a distinct odor that was very embarrassing. I also mentioned that my self-esteem was low because of it.
As far as which surgery was worse, while I was in the hospital, I would have said the RNY was by far worse. I was up and walking around with little pain only 5 hours after the abdominoplasty. But now I feel as if it is taking me longer to heal from this than it did the RNY.
Thanks for the support!!!
Thanks for the update Julie, I am glad to hear that you are feeling better each day. A size 5? WOW! I am down to a size 12 (-87+ pounds) and still can't believe it. In fact when I pull my jeans out of the dryer on Sunday, I at first wondered who's pants they were. Mind you I am single and live alone, so there shouldn't have been any questions LOL!
I do have one question for you. When did you know you were ready for plastic surgery? How did you select the Dr.? How much time did you take off from work? I am almost 7 months post op, so I won't begin looking until next summer at the earliest, but it is never too early to collect information.
Thanks, your weight loss is an inspiration!
I knew I was ready for plastic surgery when I hit my goal so quickly. The surgeon I went to said most wls patients should wait a minimum of 2 years to make sure they have lost everything they were planning on losing, since if you get the procedures done too soon and lose more weight you will still have sagging skin. I got Dr. Eckhardt's card from a fellow weight loss support group member that had terrific results with him and since my insurance paid for a consult, I decided to go for it and see what he said. I do not work outside the home, but I would recommend at least 2 weeks off, up to 3-4. I am still in pain but am able to get around all right. I had 2 drains in, one came out after a week and the other was in for 2 weeks. I also can not lift anything over 10 pounds for 6 weeks. If you ever have any other questions, please ask!! Thanks for the support!!
wow Julie, 140 is all you weigh? gosh that is so wonderful! I always think of you for wanting to see where I might end up. I was about 355 when I left the hospital after surgery, so down to 240 now is great for me. I can not wait til I look as wonderful as you do, and am ready for the plastic surgery.
Congrats on everything, good luck in all of that! take care of yourself first! (but you already know that I suppose!)

Julie, What a wonderful accomplishment to have lost so much you must be so proud. I am having surgery on Monday so can't answer from my experience about feeling truly thin. I did just have this conversation with my friend who had WLS 10 years ago she went from 375 to 145 and she says she still has days when she believes she is still the same obese person she was. She told me that is one of the hardest parts of this whole journey or at least it has been for her. Ann
I wanna see pictures!!!!! Size 5 is absolutely unbelievable! Considering I started at 330# it makes me think your accomplishment doable for even me!!! I was relieved to hear the pain was not as bad as WLS. I figured it would be much worse, but I suppose when you don't have all that weight to lug around afterwards it makes it easier! Please tell us more details about your tummy tuck and the procedures you also submitted. I am curious too about the justifications for plastic surgery that the ins company accepted. I am bracing for a fight to have mine even tho its still over a year away. Congrats Julie! Do you feel like you "are THERE?????"