Going On A Cruise
My husband and I are going on a cruise December 15 - 19th with two other couples. I can't tell you how much I am looking forward to this.
He made a funny comment the other day asking me what I was going to do now that I can't eat. I told him cruises aren't all about eating and I was looking forward to snorkeling and spending time with my friends, at the blackjack table of course.
This will be different since we are used to eating so much when we cruise. The cruise lines offer a wide variety of fish and chicken at the meals so I expect to do just fine. I will be taking my protien drinks and sugar free applesauce. It's the only thing I can get down in the mornings.
The other couples live in Florida and haven't seen me since my surgery. I am scared to death that they won't even notice my weight loss. I am down 29 pounds if five weeks and would like to see another six or seven come off before then.
I am riding my stationary bike 8 miles a day in 30 minutes. The first time I got on it I only made it three minutes. I keep a chart to watch my progress.
I am also down from 320 units of insulin a day to 12 a day. I will be off the Prednisone on Wednesday for the first time in four years! I have also lost one of my bellies and have one more to go. Of course it's the bigger one so it will take some time. My husband kids me about my boobs being bigger than my bellies now. Men, you can't live with them, but you got to love 'em.
I have been gearing up for the second part of my surgery, the actual bypass. My family and husband are dead set against it. They thought it was to close the last time. I reminded them that I am in excellent hands with Dr. Gagner and I will do what he suggests. That will be a battle for after the cruise. I still have time to change their minds.