:-) Update
Hi everyone,
I went for my second follow-up dr. visit on Monday, 10-6-03. Everything is out!!!! YAHOO!!! no g tube, no staples. I can't believe the difference!!
I took a pain pill before I went and it helped. This time not as bad as before. Since 9/15/03, I have lost 22lbs. I can't believe it! I feel good. I do not have any regrets about anything, my dr and staff were great, the hospital care was great! I am not craving anything right now. I have have not had any dumping. I am very careful about label reading and measuring. That's it for now. Take Care paula
Thats so good to hear Paula! I felt the biggest relief when those staples were taken out. They were beginning to feel like I had pins sticking me every time I moved! Sounds like you are doing everything right. Is'nt the part of not craving things great? I was afraid that post-op I would break down and cry if I saw my favorite jumbo supreme pizza but I have lived without it so far LOL! I have found that I can have tiny nibbles of "ordinary foods" from my husband's plate and that is just enough to satisfy me. One by one I introduce new things... some work, some don't but it took that fear away(that I had pre-op) that I can NEVER have such and such again. Keep up the good work! Will be waiting to hear more from you!