"woman" problems????
I'm sorry if this topic might be uncomfortable for all you "guys" out
there..but I have to ask. Have any of you women had problems with
your cycle being longer than usual..messed up...just DIFFERENT than it
was before?? This is my second messed up cycle since my surgery 11
weeks ago.. and ..well.. i just need to know if anyone else has
experienced problems. Mine lasts 10 days ...and is very "wierd"..and painful... i could explain more in a personal email...to spare the guys lol.
Thanks! ~Dawn Phillips
Yeah Dawn- my first one after surgery was really long too. Seemed like it would never end. Since I am irregular anyway, I didn't time it. No cramps though but I felt icky throughout the whole thing. Unusual in that I have bloating and yucky feelings only the first day otherwise. Will wait to see what the next one brings. This surgery is a major shock to our systems so I guess we shouldn't be so surprised.
the first 3 months after surgery I spotted off and on, had a few heavy days, and basically couldnt do much, cuz it would start up out of no where. The WEIRDEST thing was, is that I was on (from 3 yrs before surgery, and still on!) the depo shot. so I had not had a *visitor* for over 3 years! and to have that many days in such a short period of time, I was upset to say the least.! But, now I have gotten another shot, and no more problems. (every 3 months) so, back to normal for now. But, I have talked to other friends who have had some weird womanly things after surgery too. Have no fear, it WILL stop!!