post-op visit
9-25-03 Today I am 16 days post-op and had my first post-op visit. Everything went fine and today I had my staples out. Dr. A.C. said that everything looks great and I can go to stage 2. I lost 30 pounds on my first visit. I've also cut my insulin dose in half since my surgery. I even feel I have more energy now even with 30 pounds off. I go back to Dr.A.C. on Oct. 14th and hope to have at least 25 more pounds off. Will post more later. Diana
That's exciting news Diana! You have a lot to look forward to, especially concerning your insulin. Is'nt it interesting that for years the "diabetic diet" consisted of tiny portions of meat and high carb intake and here you are improving daily on primarily protein?! Read the "Schwartzbein Principles" for more details on why this is working.