Join The Walk From Obesity Davenport IA 09*20*03
I belong to and a member recently posted about a 2 mile walk from obesity on Sat the 20th in Davenport! I hope anyone and everyone can come. It will be a blast, door prizes too!
follow the link for more info...
My weight loss support group has help set this up. Here is some additional information... Walk From Obesity set for September 20th at VandeVeer Park in Davenport.
As far as the walk itself, Terri had some new information. Trinity wants to be the sole sponsor for this year and next. They have agreed to donate 500 dollars towards T-shirts (these will be used for door prizes). Trinity will also provide EMS to stand by the day of the walk, tables for venders, publicity on their website, and with the QC Times. On Sept. 17th Paula Sands will interview Theresa Hensley about the walk - Wednesday the 17th at 4:30.
Terri has lined up 15 to 20 vendors to have tables at the walk - these include places like Ultimate Fitness, Massage Therapy, Karate, Dr. Eckert. Diana Simmons has arranged for Coke to provide some refreshment.
If any of you are in the area, please come out to this. We are hoping to spread awareness of obesity related problems and that there are solutions.