Too good to be true
I have been working toward getting my surgery since January. Finally things were falling into place & I was scheduled for Sept 16. My last test was the ultrasound to check out my gallbladder & liver. A mass was found in my abdomen and the gynecologist thinks it's a fibroid tumor, about the size of a softball. They are also testing for ovarian cancer.
Today I learned that my surgery is postponed until after I get a hysterectomy. I see the gynocologist on Tuesday to learn more. Hopefully he will be able to do it really soon. Then I have to recover from that for 6 weeks, go back to work for 4-6 more weeks and then can finally have my surgery. I'll be lucky to have it by Christmas.
Boy I hate 2003. I hope 2004 will be better.
Dixie- Sorry to hear this has been such a long haul for you, but fortunate that in pursuit of WLS, a more serious problem was found and hopefully averted. At least you have been approved and it is just a matter of waiting. What better Christmas present- then you can start the new year with a clean slate. You will probably feel better after your fibroids are removed. I have had several surgeries over the years and have found that the 6 weeks surgical leave I take off clears my head of job stress much better than a regular one week vacation. So there IS a silver lining to your misfortune! We'll be thinking about you. Keep us posted!
Dixie, So Sorry to hear about your bad news or good news depends on the way your looking at it . Best that they found the problem before wls may have been worse than . Keep your chin up and I'll be thinking of you . We did have the same surgery date . If ya need to talk or blow off steam someone is always on here to give you some uplifting support Take care.....Sheila
Dixie, I know how hard 2003 has been for you. It is all in God's hands now. God must really be trying to teach you patience this year, just like he was with Margie. You will have this surgery, and you will loose weight, and you will have a whole new life!!! I can't wait for the day we see each other and don't recognize each other You are in our thoughts and prayers! Deb Paul