My fairy Godmother Wish
This weekend my 4 year old nephew and Godson asked my why I was he has never said that to me before or the word fat. I tried to explain that I have trouble dealing with my emotions, and tramas from childhood brought me bad habits. I went on explaining that I eat more calories than I bun off and that I don't play outside as much as him. He did not seem to understand, smiled and said let's go play. I then turned to him in my frazzled embarrassed state and said, " But Aunt Debbie's Fairy Godmother came down and asked to grant her a wish..." Now this caught his interest, and he asked what I wished for. So I said, "My fairy Godmother told me I could have whatever I I asked to not be fat anymore" At that moment I started to cry. When he asked me what was wrong I told him that I had been wanting that wish my entire life and that I was so excited that it was going to come true.
One week left....till my greatest wish comes true
I have two kids ages 9 and 7. It has been a little challenging trying to explain to them about the surgery. My son who is nine really seems to understand but my daughter said something last weekend that leads me to believe that she thinks I will come home from surgery skinny! So I must try again to talk to both of them about what will be happening to me in the next year. I have also been trying to finish up the just-in-case letters to them, but everytime I work on them, I end up crying! Anyway, I understand the need for a dream or wish come true. I really never thought I could be this close to having it come true. Best wishes to you both! Take care - Deb W.