Michelle back online
You wouldn't believe how many times I've had to respell things in this message- still the effectes of the morphine that is nasty stuff! But I am back online after 5 days in the hospital. Real hard coordinating the drinking and eating thing but my hubby has been super with making sure our cupboards are well stocked with a variety of "legal" foods. Thanks to all of you who cared enough to post. And those who called- That really means a lot to me! I am experiementing with foods that do not make me feel nauseous. I read that feeling nauseous and feeling full are often the same thing. With our stretched out stomachs we don't know what it feels like to be "full" anymore. It is wierd not to have an appetite anymore.Will post more as I feel better.
You take it easy...and soon you will be feeling better. It's hard to detect..but you will soon figure out that there IS a feeling that comes before the nausea, mouth watering and mucus. If you stop eating when you get that feeling..then your ok. Take care..and I look forward to hearing from you soon.
~~~Dawn Phillips~~~