Initial consultation
Well I got brave today and thought I would take matters into my own hands. I was going to try to wait patiently but then I thought I better check to make sure they had received my paperwork. Well yes indeed they did have my paperwork and I was in the pile to be scheduled for an initial consultation. So I have my initial appointment on October 3rd. Yeah! I feel like I'm really going to get to do this now!
Gail, You go Girl !!! Yes, You have to be follow up on the medical
workers. They are all unstaffed. It makes a differce if you keep on
top of them. When I called the U Of Iowa last Sept. They told me it would take 1 year to
get schduled for the Initial appointment. Well I wasn't going to wait.
I called and found out who schedules this and told her to call me if she got a cancelation
That worked. If I hadn't thought outside of the box and took this into my own hands. I wouldn't be having surgery on Sept 2
I would be having the Initial Appointment. Trust me it works
I believe, I believe, I believe I can fly......
Lisa J