Hi! Just had my consult with the surgeon.
Sheila H.
on 7/24/03 12:06 pm
on 7/24/03 12:06 pm
I am now waiting for approval from my insurance company. Has anyone had any experience with Midland's Choice? If I get approval, my surgeon said that the surgery would be scheduled for 2 weeks later. So, I am extremely anxious and more than a little scared. I have fought with weight my whole life and I really want more energy to keep up with my kids and to feel more attractive for my husband (although he loves me as I am). Right now neither my husband or kids are too thrilled with my decision to have this done, but it is something I have to do for me. So I am hoping that I can find some of the support I need here.
I really hope I get to know you all better. Keep your fingers crossed for me that my insurance comes through!
You have the right frame of mind for the surgery. You have to want to do it for yourself and not for anyone else! I think having the surgery has given me the chance to have a whole new real life and not sitting around too tired and too fat to do anything with my family. I am so tired of sitting and thinking I need to do this or I want to do this and not being able to due to my weight. Stay true to yourself!
Having surgery was the best thing I could have done. I would do it again tomorrow. By the time I hit my 1 year anniversary, I weighed exactly half of what I did leaving the hospital. I have never had any complications and would recommend it to anyone. Talk to your surgeons office and find out if there are any support groups in your area. They really help me and now that I am post op I am able to help others in return for all that great support I received in the beginning. Good luck with everything and feel free to post any and all questions that you have. Take care!! ~Julie