Ok, I am just throwing this out here, maybe somebody can help.
I had surgery 5/15, about 9 weeks ago, about 60 lbs gone. I have been on the depo for over 4 years (the depo provera birth control shot) and never once in all that time have I had a period or any sort of spotting. Now, I have this surgery. I spotted some for a week or so afterwards. that was fine, I realize they were doing all kinds of crazy things to my insides. But now it is starting again! I just dont get it! The reason I am on the shot is to not have a period, and I certainly dont want to get pregnant yet, but this is really upsetting me, plus I am having cramps and the whole gig with it. I actually was *****y the other day for the first time in like 4 years! LOL the ppl at my work didnt know WHAT to think of me! anyhow, I am just confused, has anyone on here had any similiar experiences?
Thanks in advance
off to a hot shower, darn the cramps! lol
Hey Judy: I can relate to ya. I am due for my second shot on August 4th and I don't know if I want to have it. I bled everyday for the past 3 months. I know if I expect to ever have sex again I had better have the stupid shot, but I sure as hell don't want to. OK I got off track here.....with my shot comming due I am experiencing: cramps, tender breasts and *****yness as well. Take care~~~~Amy